Eco-Friendly Family

Is there a bug spray or alternative you'd recommend?

We are going camping next weekend. I'm not sure what to get to protect DD from bug bites. Is there a safe bug spray or an alternative method that works??
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Re: Is there a bug spray or alternative you'd recommend?

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    I always just like to put on some double layers (single layers sometimes don't add enough depth to keep skeeter bites out)...a loose hoodie or coat, some jeans, socks and shoes. Usually with the hood up, you're able to sense any bugs by the face, or just apply a little bug repellent around the edges. (california baby bug is very safe)
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    I use light layers and CA baby.
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    We have just recently tried Bubble & bee organic, bug bee gone. And LOVE it, it works the best out of any of the 'natual' bug sprays we have tried. It is a soy oil base with essential oils, and works like a charm! 
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    We had really good results with CA Baby. Ryan only had 2 bites, DH and I used Deep Woods Off and were covered in bites.
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    We use the JASON Quit Buggin' me with great success! 
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    We have used CA Baby.  There's another site that I've just found recently that I LOVE that has all sorts of natural soaps, lotions, shampoo bars, etc and they have a Bug-be-ware (or something like that) lotion that I think is similar to CA Baby as far as ingredients go.  I have no affiliation with the company, just love their stuff -

    Good luck with the camping and bugs!


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    I love burt's bees, it's an oil that you rub on, I would reapply every 2 hours and be bug free. Now it is on the long list of things I have been allergic to in my 2nd trimester, I believe my sensitivity is specifically to the geranium oil in it, but for years it worked great, and hopefully I'll be able to use it again.

    Have fun camping

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    Badger makes a great one! it's USDA organic and worked really really well for us in the woods of maine :)
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