
Paranoid about DS's rapid wt gain

He stepped on the scale this morning when DH was trying to weigh himself and he was 33.6 lbs.  Last week I weighed him and he was 32.2 lbs.  I just looked it up, and at his last pedi appt he was 27 lbs 1 oz at 18 months.

6.6 lbs in less than 6 months is crazy!!  Anyone been through this?  What did your pedi say?


Re: Paranoid about DS's rapid wt gain

  • Is he getting taller as well??

    Miles gained weight quickly until he hit 2 then he stopped. After that stopped he has just been getting taller. He has actually lost a few pounds now that he is SUPER active.

  • Yeah, I'm sure he's taller, but I'm not sure how much b/c we haven't measured him. 
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  • Are you sure the two scales are the same?  DD ranges from 31-32.5 lbs on our scale at home, depending on what she's wearing or how she actually stands on the scale.  Before her 2 year appointment, she was 30-31 lbs on our home scale, and 29 lbs 12oz at the pedi.  She gained 4 lbs 4 oz from 18 months to 2 years.  I don't think it's unreasonable for your DS to gain 5-6 lbs in that time frame, and then factor in a +/- 1 lb for differences in time of day/scale/clothing/etc.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • At 18 Mo. Brendan weighed 30-31 pounds.  At his 2-year appt. he weighed 37lbs. 2 oz.  He was also 37" tall.  The ped. was concerned about the weight and ran blood tests (to check for diabetes, etc).  Everything came back normal.  She wants to see him in Nov. (3 months after original appt) for a weight check.  She told me back in August to cut his carb intake.  Well, we did that and then he had WICKED diaper rash.  The doctor/nurses I talked to said to increase carbs to help solidify his BMs.  In the last few months his appetite has diminished.  He's very picky.  I've noticed that he's getting slimmer & possibly taller.

    I think he was gaining weight right before a growth spurt.  Now, he's not growing so he's not hungry.  Maybe your son is getting ready for a growth sput too!

    I try not to worry about it.  :o)

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