Houston Babies

Mother's Day Out recs - one day a week

I think my son needs a little more socialization and independence than he's currently getting and I think a once weekly MDO would be perfect for him.  But funds are limited (since I obviously can't work 1 day/week to cover it).  Any suggestions?  I know most all MDOs are church affiliated, but I would prefer one that is more secular (or at least not over-the-top religious).  Help!


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Re: Mother's Day Out recs - one day a week

  • Not sure you're going to find a secular church... but I get what you mean. We're not religious either. But to me it's fine for the under 5 set as long as what they are teaching are the basic bible stories because they do have good lessons in them and they are referenced a lot in our society so they are good things to know.

    Also consider how much religion is he really going to get in a day? Probably not much at all. At my kid's MDO/daycare, they do the "God is great, God is good..." grace before eating, and then at 3 they start going to chapel once a week. What has DD learned in chapel? Every time I ask her she tells me: "No shoes on the pews! No messing with the books, no messing with the pencils, no messing with the cards!" So yeah, she's not really picking up a whole lot. Although she does like to sing a loud annoying song about giving Jesus high fives...

    The one we go to is at an Episcopal church. I personally would avoid a Baptist church because I find their views tend to clash with mine more than other denominations. I'd say at least half the families, if not more, are not members of the church and have a wide variety of backgrounds.

    What area of town are you looking at?

    - Jena
  • I think you're on the near westside, correct? Almost all the MDO programs (and a helluva lot of the daycare) available not-in-the-suburbs in Houston is church affiliated.  We are also not religious (my husband is agnostic) but we have Cooper at a Methodist school and LOVE it.  They are not overly religious, he does go to chapel sometimes but like Jen, I don't mind it.  They sing songs and read bible stories and that's about it, I think a general working knowledge of Christianity (whether you are a believer or not) is a good thing in our culture. 

    I would look at Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal churches, we looked at one Baptist daycare and we felt like as Cooper got older he would be made to feel bad (odd/left out?) because we aren't church members.  

    I think your bigger issue will be finding somewhere with a slot for just one day a week.  I think most places had T/Th or M/W/F slots, though I could be wrong since I was really only looking at full time care.  I think the Yellow School at Memorial Dr. Presbyterian has one day slots, but that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head. 

    ETA:  I think the one day a week MDO option is called "Children's Day Inn" not the Yellow School, that's their preschool option.

    My big boy is bounding towards 4! Baby brother coming in October!
    Hipster dog is not impressed.
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  • not sure what side of town you're in, but bethel offers 1 day/wk.

    we are not religious, but have been happy there.

    ETA link: https://bethelofhouston.com/mothers-day-out

  • I just have to add that my son goes to a secular school and comes home with more religion than my friends' daughter who is at Catholic school! You just never know. LOL
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