Should I get another opinion? So torn...

I have had two consults with pro-VBAC OB's.  Both said I am a fine candidate in terms of low risk, but both recommended a RCS and said I have a low likelihood of success due to circumstances of first CS (labored and dilated on my own, pushed for 2 1/2 hours).  Baby was 8 lb. 8oz.

I have posted before, but I am just SO torn about what to do.  I really wanted to VBAC, but both doctors seemed to think my chances of success are slim, and I'm not sure if I can put myself through labor again only to end up with a c-section.  It was devastating the first time.  I am just so torn!  WWYD??

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Re: Should I get another opinion? So torn...

  • I say find a doctor that is really vbac friendly... these other two don't seem to be on the same page as you.  If you are a good candidate then go for the vbac.
    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

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  • imagelkf041:
    I say find a doctor that is really vbac friendly... these other two don't seem to be on the same page as you.  If you are a good candidate then go for the vbac.

    I am a good candidate as defined by low risk, but not necessarily by high success rate. 

    Thank you for your repsonse, this is a very difficult decision for me :(

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  • I posted the other day about VBAC prediction calculators.  A review of 700k records showed that prediction calculators are largely useless.  So, when someone off-handedly says my odds are not good - my mind says "Shove it, I'll prove you wrong." 

    And I would rather try - this time with every possible resource available - and fail again, then not try at all.  Because if we try, and fail again, we can feel fairly confident that it wasn't meant to be.  Instead of this nagging feeling that we can do this! 

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  • My c/s was like yours--I pushed  for 2 hours, then had a c/s.  My OB, who was "pro-VBAC" and actually had a VBAC herself, said I wasn't a good candidate because the same thing would likely happen again.

    I got another opinion.   That OB said I was a great candidate and I did end up having a VBAC.  I had no issues pushing out this baby, even though he was actually a little larger than my first.

    Like you, I was scared that the same thing would happen again and I would be devastated.  But I knew I would always regret if I didn't try.  You may feel that way too or you may not, but it's something to think about.

    Almost all the studies I've seen show you would still have at least a 60% chance at a successful VBAC. 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imagecchill01:

    I posted the other day about VBAC prediction calculators.  A review of 700k records showed that prediction calculators are largely useless.  So, when someone off-handedly says my odds are not good - my mind says "Shove it, I'll prove you wrong." 

    And I would rather try - this time with every possible resource available - and fail again, then not try at all.  Because if we try, and fail again, we can feel fairly confident that it wasn't meant to be.  Instead of this nagging feeling that we can do this! 

    Thank you for your words of encouragement and a positive mindset :) 

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  • imageiris427:

    My c/s was like yours--I pushed  for 2 hours, then had a c/s.  My OB, who was "pro-VBAC" and actually had a VBAC herself, said I wasn't a good candidate because the same thing would likely happen again.

    I got another opinion.   That OB said I was a great candidate and I did end up having a VBAC.  I had no issues pushing out this baby, even though he was actually a little larger than my first.

    Like you, I was scared that the same thing would happen again and I would be devastated.  But I knew I would always regret if I didn't try.  You may feel that way too or you may not, but it's something to think about.

    Almost all the studies I've seen show you would still have at least a 60% chance at a successful VBAC. 

    Thank you for your positive story and it's great to see something similar to my situation with a good outcome :)

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  • I agree with everyone else that if my doctor told me that I was a good candidate in that I am low risk, then I would go for it.  Even if my (arbitrary) success estimate was put at 10%, SOMEONE has to be in that 10%- why not me??  But if you are comfortable with it, I say give it a try.
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  • I think if you are all considering a second opinion/change of doctor, you should do.  You need to have 100% confidence in your doctor/midwife, and vise versa!  If you decide to stay with them, I would tell them up front that you plan on having a VBAC, and make sure your support team (DH, mom, sister, whatever) are supportive of you, and willing to stand up to your doctors when you're in labor (if need be).
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  • Sounds like I had a similar birth experience with my c-section.  I got to a 10, pushed for 4 hours and then had the c/s. 

    My current doc is also "VBAC friendly" but has also expressed her concern that I get my hopes too high b/c she thinks I'll again have no trouble dilating but (in not so many words has said) she is not sure I'll be able to push him out. 

    I am doing everything I know to do to prepare for a VBAC.  I am planning an intervention free birth to avoid everything that possibly caused my c/s last time.  If it turns out that I have the same situation again, at least I know I did everything within my control and ended up with a RCS instead of just signing up for it. 

    Last time I had a lot of guilt and frustration towards myself for not being educated and standing up for myself and think things could have gone a lot differently and ended differently if I had gotten information ahead of time and realized all of the actual risks involved instead of just doing what was easiest for the doctors and myself at the time. 

    Good luck with your decision!

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