So I guess I passed out DS's bday invitations too early. I handed them out a month early, and most people on here agreed that was too much time. Now almost no one has RSVP'd. We gave out 22 -- two girls have responded. DS is SO excited about his party and he's going to be devastated if no one comes. It's next weekend. I know we might still get a few more responses, but I have a feeling people either forgot about it, or maybe they don't want to RSVP because it's been so long? I don't know what to do.
Re: I screwed up -- now what?
Is there anyway to contact them?
I gave out my girls 2.5wks out and still had people tell me afterwards that they totally forgot. I was really bummed because I put a lot of work into it and the girls were super excited. They still had a blast.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
agree! a month is totally normal around here.
I don't think you screwed up at all, you gave plenty of time/noticed. Sadly same thing is happening with us, I passed out the invitation 2 weeks ago for DS's party this saturday, and only a hand full of people have replied and they all said no. His best friend is coming, and that's all we know, not much we can, we still plan on throwing him his party no matter what.
I think summer birthdays when school is not in session is just harder since everyone has plans.
Do you have the parents email addresses? This way you could send out a little e-reminde from evite or something just to get a better idea about numbers.
I'm a direct sales consultant and I mail out all the invites for my hosts and I mail them out a month- 3 weeks before the party so I don't think that you screwed up at all!
Following up, in any way shape or form, to a mailed invite just screams DESPERATE to me. It's......weird, IMO. Esp the little reminders in their backpacks. It's like "PLLLLLEEAAAASSEEEE come to my kids party!"
I can understand WHY it's done (planning purposes, meals, favors, etc) but it still isn't cool, IMO.
Sigh. It screams desperate to me too, but I have no idea if they're done because I always RSVP. Is it better to look desperate and potentially have a few more kids come, thus avoiding DS's devastation? I'm leaning toward yes ...
Jodi, you know I love you, but ... I couldn't really care less what parents who don't have the decency to RSVP to an invitation think about me calling them to see if they're coming. We received 2 calls about parties we didn't RSVP to this year, turns out the invites never made it home. Better safe than sorry, IMO. They were good friends of DS's and he would have been hurt to not be invited.
Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11