We plan on using mostly fitteds, especially at home, and so I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea about how much wool I would need for each stage? Newborn..just use covers or pick up a few wool items? And after newborn? I assume you wash after each wear so it seems like I would need a lot.. but I don't want to go overboard! The baby isn't due for another 9 weeks and my stash..is out of control.
Re: how much wool?
We go much longer than that. We wash maybe once a month - I have a large woolie stash, but even the few soakers I use for overnights don't get gross in 1-2 weeks. Since wool is naturally antibacterial, you only need to wash when it needs more lanolin, or starts smelling like pee after its dry.
I had 2 wool soakers my newborn. I know people say you don't need to worry about nighttime diapers - but my daughter didn't poop at night and would only wake to eat and go right back down. We used a more absorbent fitted (GM, B4, Sbish) overnight and then a wool soaker on top. They also make wool wrap - Imse Vimse and Loveybums are examples that are a little easier to get on a newbie.
I now have 5 wool soakers that I use full time on my daughter. If I wash 2-3 at a time, it takes a day or so to dry so I need to have 2-3 for her to wear during that time. I wash about every 3 weeks or so.
I also change her pretty often, especially during the day so it's not like her wool is getting damp each time. She is in her night diaper for 12 hours though so that wool is a bit damp each morning but it never leaks or affects her pjs.