Baby Names

How do you pronounce this name?

when you see Xavier do you say it: [ex-AY-vee-er or ZAY-vee-er]
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Re: How do you pronounce this name?

  • Ex. ZAY-vee-er would be spelled Zavier. But that looks too much like Javier, and if you are not of Spanish decent, that might be alittle weird.
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  • I pronounce it with the EX at the beginning.
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  • ZAY-vee-er

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  • I pronounce the X at the beginning.
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  • Ex.
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  • imagecouliegirl:
    Ex. ZAY-vee-er would be spelled Zavier. But that looks too much like Javier, and if you are not of Spanish decent, that might be alittle weird.

    I'm reposting from nameberry...but I was told XA- makes the Z or even the "Ka" sound.. 

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  • I've always pronounced it Ex-ave-your, like Professor X from the X-men. There was also a saint by that name.
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  • I just think that most people would be pronounce the EX. I prefer the Z, and he might have to correct people alot, but I grew up constantly correcting people on my last name, sort of annoying, but not that bad.
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  • My cousins son is Alexander, nickname is Xander - we pronounce it with a z. I think of the same thing for Xavier, but I do see how there could be some pronounciation issues.
  • ex :-)
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  • It can go either way. I prefer ex-A-vee-er, but also like Zay-vee-er.
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  • imageRedCardinal:


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  • imagecouliegirl:
    Ex. ZAY-vee-er would be spelled Zavier. But that looks too much like Javier, and if you are not of Spanish decent, that might be alittle weird.

    This is what I've always thought.

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  • I know two people with that name and each pronounces it one of the ways. I've never really thought much of it, and I think they occasionally have to correct people, but it's never seemed too big of a deal. I actually like both pronunciations.
  • X (strongly pronounced) a-vee-er
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  • My cousin used this as her sons middle name, and I was corrected by her that it's Zay-vee-er lol
  • I love this name and it is going to be son's first name, it will be spelled Xavier. My husband wanted it to be spelled with the Z but I just didn't like it. In English most people will pronuonce it with the EX but in Spanish we are going with the Z. Once he gets older he can choose how he wants to be addressed.
  • ZAY-vee-er
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  • Others have already weighed in. Personally, I would say Zay-vyer (rhymes with savior), not drawing out the "ee" at all. However, just wanted to point out that there is no standard pronunciation for the letter "x" in English. I can think of many different words in which it sounds like an "s," "z" or "ex."
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  • Zay-vee-er

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  • Zay-vee-er, but I think most people will probably pronounce it with an X.

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  • imageBlue1299:

    This. Love the name!

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  • imageRedCardinal:


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  • I can't believe the number of people who are THIS ignorant of phonetics.

    It's zay-vee-er.

    It's not an ex-xylophone, for God's sakes.

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  • Words that begin with the letter "x" are not supposed to have the letter said out loud. They are supposed to be said as a "z" (or as someone mentioned earlier a "k").  You wouldn't say, "I'm playing the ex-zylophone in the concert." You wouldn't say, "I don't like those people, I guess I'm ex-zenophonic."  The name is pronounce Zavier.
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  • imagejfischer1115:
    Words that begin with the letter "x" are not supposed to have the letter said out loud. They are supposed to be said as a "z" (or as someone mentioned earlier a "k").  You wouldn't say, "I'm playing the ex-zylophone in the concert." You wouldn't say, "I don't like those people, I guess I'm ex-zenophonic."  The name is pronounce Zavier.

    This is what i thought but so many people IPL told me no, its X-zavier.. 

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  • It actually depends on where you're from. In French and Spanish-speaking countries, it'd be pronounced Ha-vee-air, but I've always pronounced it as Ex-avi-er. 


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  • I have always pronounced it as Zave-Yer
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  • I pronounce it EX-avier but DH does teh ZAY-vier thing.  We both love the name & they way we say it but since we don't agree, it was crossed off our list.
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  • I naturallysay ex-zay-vee-er, but I like ZAY vee er a lot more.

     I think the EX comes from X-Men's popularity. Professor X...

  • X-avier. I love the name, but it always makes me cringe when people say it with a "Z" sound at the beginning.

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  • imagealliejo725:

    I can't believe the number of people who are THIS ignorant of phonetics.

    It's zay-vee-er.

    It's not an ex-xylophone, for God's sakes.



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