So BIL and SIL brought their 2 kids (2 and 7m) down for the weekend to go to the zoo, they stayed from Friday-Sun The 2yo was playing in DS's room w/everyone Sunday (ds too) They left about 2pm on Sunday. As soon as they left DS threw up everywhere and has not really stopped. He has a fever. I told DH to call them and let them know that DS is sick. He said there is no need too, they probably got him sick. My SIL was so sick she couldn't even talk, both kids had terrible runny noses. Her comment is, I'm not taking them to the doc, because nothing can be done anyhow. (they've been sick for 2 weeks) DH says they probably gave DS something. Even though they didn't give us the courtesy of letting us know they were all sick, I think it is only fair to tell them that DS is puking. WWYD?
Re: would you let them know????
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Did you know that her children were sick before they came down? If not, that is pretty crappy of her to still come.
Isn't there an incubation period before you start showing signs of having caught a sickness from someone else? He may not have caught it from them.
I would let her know either way.
Liam is 5!