My DS's daycare called on Friday because they noticed a lump in his groin and I rushed him to the pediatrician. By the time we were seen it had already gone away.
We were told it was likely a hernia, and that we should just watch it. Essentially we are to do nothing unless the lump comes back and does not resolve in 15-20 minutes. I just wanted to see if this was the same as the advice others had gotten. I know it is fairly common, but I can't help but be a little nervous.
Re: Anyone's toddler DS have a hernia?
DS had a hernia at about 14mo old - the pedi suggested we consult with a urologist, and DS ended up needing minor surgery to correct the opening. In my DS's case, he ended up having a fairly rare type of hernia, so I was really glad I had seen a pediatric specialist at a children's hospital!
Your pedi is correct that it's not an emergency - especially if DC is under 6mo old (sorry, I don't know how old your little one is) - but it is possible for the "lump" (likely a part of DS's intestine that's poking through the hole where the testicles descended, but then didn't close itself up) to get stuck and for an infection to form (which can be dangerous).
If it were my child - and JMHO - I would request to meet with a pediatric urologist (be sure it's someone who specializes in children, preferably at a children's hospital so if DS needs surgery he's surrounded by people who only work with children). I'd let the specialist - not the pediatrician - decide if it's a "watch and wait" situation, or if further intervention is needed more quickly.