
What's so special about American Girl dolls?

It must be the start of the holiday season, so I'm getting catalogs from all these places I never shop... American Girls, Hanna Andersson, Pottery Barn Kids.  (Wonder what store sells my name to their mailing lists.)

Anyway, why are the American Girls dolls $90?  You get the doll, a book, and the outfit they're wearing.  DH was telling me they look a lot like the cheap dolls DD has from Target or Walmart.  Is it just because they're also collectors items?

Oh, and besides that, they now have a "just like me" doll.  Why was there only 1 doll on the whole page (of 20+) with dark skin?  Why were there only 2 dolls with "auburn" hair and none with bright red hair?

Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13

Re: What's so special about American Girl dolls?

  • They are expensive because you are paying for the name. But from what I've seen (on Oprah, lol) they guarentee the doll for life. You can send it to their doll hospital (if an arm is broken off or if it's attacked by your dog, etc.) and they will fix or replace it (not sure if there is any fee).

    I can't wait until DD is old enough to enjoy them. I was about 12 when the books came out and I still have the entire "Samantha" collection! I think next year, when DD turns 4, I am taking her to the American Girl Store & Bistro for lunch and to get her a doll. I'm really looking forward to it and I love that they associate the dolls with the books and that the books reflect history. 

  • I don't know but I've been to the store in Chicago and it is absolutely darning (and this was well before I had kids).  I think the tea room/restaurant things sounds like lots of fun and too cute.  I'd totally take my DD. 

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  • Okay, so I admit I was a little jealous looking through the book that I never had an American Girl doll as a kid.  I'd love to buy a bunch for DD, but 1) we could never afford it, 2) the girl has way too many toys as it is, and 3) it's not fair to relive my childhood through her.  ;)
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • When they first came out the books were the part that was stressed, not the dolls.  I had them when they were new (I was about 8 when they came out) and when the catalog came the entire thing was focused on the books and the dolls and accessories were side items.  I'm actually disappointed that the books are no longer the focus since they had a huge impact on me and were part of the drive the led me to become a historian!

    That said, the dolls are really well made and have a lifetime guarantee.  They are as expensive as they are because they are standing behind their product and will repair it free of charge at any time.

    I don't know much about them currently since my daughter is too young, so I don't know anything about the "make the doll look like you" dolls since they didn't exist when I was playing with American Girl's Dolls. 

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  • I should add that you are paying for very well researched books.  From my professional perspective as a historian, the books are very well done and highly informative about the period, which is unusual in children's literature.
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  • ditto penguingrrl...well without being the historian!

    I would buy DD 10 AG dolls before I buy her a Bratz or Barbie (big whores!!!!).


  • My niece has one and the doll's hair got really messed up.  My brother/niece sent the doll back to the company and they fixed her hair back to what it originally looked like.  (Not sure if that means a new head, etc.  :o) )  I think they also will return the doll dressed in a hospital gown when you send her in for a broken arm for example.  I've heard about that - never known anyone to have had that happen.

    But, they definitely are high priced dolls!  Most friends/family have bought them for very special occasions.


  • They are well made.  As far as the "just like me dolls"  They come out w/more all of the time.  They also don't have a brown hair and hazel eyed doll.  So I got Kaitlyn "Molly" Going to the store and having lunch is just an amazing experience (my mom and I took Kaitlyn for her b-day)  Her doll is her favorite toy.  She plays w/it on a daily basis.  It was her only b-day present from us, and it was worth it. 
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