So some of you know I was away last week for a work thing. Of course I got several pp shipping notices and DH would call and say "you got more diaper crap today". This is what I came home too - 5 AI2s, 1 fitted and 1 interlock shorties. Sorry for the crappy pics, my real camera is broken and I only have my cell phone camera
1 st column: 2 Baa Baa Bums. These look much better than one I got from her several months ago. 2nd column: FITT on top, SBD on bottom. 3rd column: DD on top, GM on bottom.
WCW interlock cuffed shorties. I LOVE these.
And this was my in my mailbox today. 2 1&only woolies and my custom TT. I them. I think this was my most favorite day of fluff ever.
and straight otb it went.
Re: Lots of Fluffy Mail!!! PiPs
Oh wow, I think my husband would murrrrder me but I love it! Let me know what you think of FITT-I am on the custom list but she won't get to me for awhile.
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
::lifts jaw off desk::
Wow, super jealous! I would call two things from 1andonly woolies and TT the best fluffy day ever, as well!
What a great fluffy mail day, indeed!
Hey, did you get a notice that your DD had been shipped? I just got a shipping notice in my email today, so if you didn't, I have the dc #...though, I'm guessing you probably received an email, as well.