Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Baby eye exam/dilating eyes

Has your child had an eye exam with dilation and how did it go?

DS is scheduled for an eye appt on Weds that I'm debating cancelling. He had one eye that turned slightly in--mild strabismus, maybe--that wasn't quite resolved by 6 months. Now, we don't really see it at all, so I was thinking of cancelling b/c I feel like the appointment could be somewhat traumatic and I don't think he even has a problem. But, online it says that mild strabismus can be hard to see and that babies should be checked if eyes weren't totally fine by 6 mos...I just think we're going to go through all this time, hassle and money for no reason.

I had a bad experience with getting my own eyes dilated--they didn't go down until the next day. I couldn't do anything except sit on the couch all evening, and I felt sick/disoriented with a terrible headache. 

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Re: Baby eye exam/dilating eyes

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    Sorry your LO has to go through that... DD hasn't had her eyes dilated or anything, but I think that if her vision could possibly be affected long-term if I didn't go through the exam, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    If he seems a little off-kilter later in the day, perhaps make it a bit darker inside?  Our pupils dilate on their own when it's dark, so that might help with any discomfort after the test.

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    DD just had her appt last week.  It went VERY well!  The dr came in and made her look at a little spongebob thing as he went from side to side and up and down.  They put in a numbing drop in each eye, she was fine, then put in the drops to dialite and she was fine too.  They waited 15 minutes, came in, took measurements and we were on our way.   Waaaaaaay better than I expected.  DD has same thing you are describing and I also thought to cancel, but if the eyes are even a tad bad, over time the brain can learn to stop using one.  DD now has to have a patch on one eye for an hour a day, no biggie! GL mama!

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    Yes and fine.  DS was on O2 at birth due to inhaling a bunch of fluid and since O2 can damage their eyes the pedi recommended we get him checked at 4 weeks.  They had to dilate his eyes (difficult as he slept through the whole thing!) - so needless to say, that one went fine. 

    We went back 2 weeks ago and they dilated him again - he cried when they put the drops in because they had to hold him down but was totally fine during the exam and afterwards. 

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    My DD had her eyes checked at about 7 weeks old and they used a spray instead of drops, she had no problem at all.  We went back at 6 months and again no problems, she has a check with a nuero-opthamologist this winter and I am expecting the same.  Better a day of discomfort if he has it, than a lifetime of issues, if you miss something by cancelling IMO.
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    The eye appt that your child would go through is very simple.

    They make sure he has full range of eye movement by making him follow something around in a circle. They may cover one eye at a time to see if he moves away trying to see with the covered eye. Your LO may be upset by drops being put into his eyes but other then that I am sure he will be fine. He is so young that he will not remember it even if he does have a hard time with it.

    It is really important to catch any eye problems or imparied eye sight right away. I would just keep the appointment.

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    The eye appt that your child would go through is very simple.

    They make sure he has full range of eye movement by making him follow something around in a circle. They may cover one eye at a time to see if he moves away trying to see with the covered eye. Your LO may be upset by drops being put into his eyes but other then that I am sure he will be fine. He is so young that he will not remember it even if he does have a hard time with it.

    It is really important to catch any eye problems or imparied eye sight right away. I would just keep the appointment.

    All of this is true. I work in pediatric ophthalmology and it is very important to get things taken care of sooner rather than later. You may not notice anything, but the doctor may!! 

    The drops CAN last a long time for children- 24+hr. But that is necessary b/c kids can focus through a LOT of prescription- the drops knock all that accomodation out so the Dr can get a better reading. Kids generally handle the drops better than most adults!

    I don't usually post on this board, but felt the need on this one! Good Luck! 

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