
Goodbye gift for speech therapist?

Anyone have any good ideas on what to get a speech therapist?  DS has been seeing the same therapist since January, we're leaving private therapy and I'd like to give her something along with a thank you card - but what??  She is twenty something (I think anyway) and I have no idea about anything else, like if she enjoys coffee or whatever.  TIA

Re: Goodbye gift for speech therapist?

  • I'm an EI therapist.  Keep it small.  Likely her agency doesn't really allow gifts.  Some of my favorite gifts over the years have been gift cards to coffee as I am constantly on the road.  Hand sanitizer is always important.  I love thank you cards with a picture of the child.  We get attached, and saying goodbye is hard for us too.  2 families recently gave me flowers, and I was so touched by that.  My own son got speech this year and we gave her a card and he picked out a potted plant for her garden (under 4$ but super cute).  For christmas we made ornaments that my son painted and made candy for his therapists and daycare providers.  Hope this helps...
  • Movie GC.  Everyone likes to go to the movies and it's consumable.  As a former teacher I have to say consumable/plant gifts are the best esp. if you don't know what the person likes.
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  • We gave ours a large tote bag from LL Bean with her name on it. She was always cramming all of her stuff into a smaller bag and I thought one with longer handles and more sturdy would be perfect. She loved it. She was with my son for just about 2 years. The hand sanitizer and coffee gift card is a great idea too.


    Reid 9-17-05 Grace 6-2-07 Owen 10-19-11
  • I agree I think a g/c or small plant is the way to go..what about Target? I am always getting stickers, little toys there for my therapy sessions (I'm an SLP too)..and of course a nice card :)
  • Thanks for the ideas!

    I mentioned getting hand sanitizer from Bath & Body along with a gift card and my DH thought I was crazy.  Glad to hear I'm not too far off.

    I really like the movie c/g idea and Target too (DS and DD always get stickers after session).


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