Anyone have any good ideas on what to get a speech therapist? DS has been seeing the same therapist since January, we're leaving private therapy and I'd like to give her something along with a thank you card - but what?? She is twenty something (I think anyway) and I have no idea about anything else, like if she enjoys coffee or whatever. TIA
Re: Goodbye gift for speech therapist?
We gave ours a large tote bag from LL Bean with her name on it. She was always cramming all of her stuff into a smaller bag and I thought one with longer handles and more sturdy would be perfect. She loved it. She was with my son for just about 2 years. The hand sanitizer and coffee gift card is a great idea too.
Thanks for the ideas!
I mentioned getting hand sanitizer from Bath & Body along with a gift card and my DH thought I was crazy. Glad to hear I'm not too far off.
I really like the movie c/g idea and Target too (DS and DD always get stickers after session).