I'm loving our evening walks these days. We talk about everything.
Just as a backstory, MIL asked me a year ago when/if we were considering adopting again. Considering the cost, I told her maybe when we won the lottery She seemed to think there was a "buy one/get one free" deal with our agency. Yes, it was a teachable moment, in more ways than one.
Apparently she forgot this conversation, because she just asked DH the same question this weekend. He pretty much had the same answer--if we could find away to get the $ together for the type of adoption we want, we'd consider it. But right now it's just not in the cards.
We've agreed to table any discussion until the end of the year, given that I've had a hellish week of moving, and it's not over until we get into our new house next month ::whimper:: We also talked about some of the topics that have come up here, like what it would be like to visit 2 sets of BPs, what if levels of contact were wildly different, etc. And wondered aloud if a wait would be longer since we already have DD. But the gist of it was that we could handle that, and we'll talk about it again in 2012.
Good times
Re: DH and I discussed a 2nd adoption today
We get asked when we're going to adopt a 2nd child fairly frequently. It's hard. We would love to but you're so right...it can be so expensive to go through the process. We are in a tough position right now. There are a lot of changes happening at my work. My position was totally changed (they are giving my school to another teacher and moving me into a different school due to budget issues.) I am probably going to be a stay at home mom again for a while instead of switching to the new school. I'm very happy about that but at the same time I am anxious about having to leave my school. Adopting a 2nd child is not going to happen right now without two salaries.
We've talked about what a good relationship we have with dd's birthmom and her family and how it might not be like that with another birthmother. It's tough.
For now, I'm just going to focus on being grateful we have dd and just take it day by day. Maybe it will work out for us to adopt a sibling for her, but maybe she'll be an only child and at this point, that's okay with us. We're just going to see what happens.
My blog: Making Me Mom