Intro and book recs?

Hello! I have been lurking around since I found out I am pregnant, and now that I'm wrapping up my 1st tri I wanted to introduce and also start some research. I had a planned C/S with baby #1 because she was leg-first breech at my 39 week apt. I was planning a natural birth and did a lot of reading, which I found to be so peaceful and empowering; Internet research is fine, but i like a book in hand. What books did/are you reading to prepare for labor, specifically VBAC? Having a VBAC is very important to me, and I want to feel ready and prepared! Thanks!
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Re: Intro and book recs?

  • I am planning a birth center VBAC, and am reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth (there is a small section on VBACs, but overall it is every encouraging and empowering!) and I read/own The VBAC Companion.
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