Stay at Home Moms

Who has had their tubes tied?

Jallen's post below has me thinking. 

2 is it for us, so as far as everything with this baby continues in a healthy fashion, we are done.  The problem is, I'm being met my some resistance from my ob.  She's given me lots of information on other options, but still seems hesitant and has said a large part of that is due to the fact that we started "young" (I'm 28 now) and is worried that I will change my mind later on down the road.  As she said, it's easy to do the procedure later, but it's hard and extremely expensive to reverse it if we chose to down the road.  She's also said that if that is what I decide when it comes time, she will do it and that will be the end of that discussion.  I appreciate her concern, I just don't see more kids in our future.  I'm not interested in taking a pill forever, and the iud's make me nervous for many reasons, I don't want something implanted under my skin.  If the patch didn't kill people, I'd be all over that again.

So, if you have had your tubes tied, do you regret it at all?  If you don't mind me asking, what age were you when you got it done and what made you so sure that you were through having kids?  Have you missed the feeling of having the option of one more child? Anything else I should know?

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Re: Who has had their tubes tied?

  • I don't have my tubes tied. I'm 37. I just wanted to let you know that it's not an "easy" procedure to do later. My OB told me she doesn't recommend it for me. I mean, I guess if I told her that's what I wanted, she would. I've had 3 c-sections though, and she's unsure of adhesions, etc.

    Not to mention the fact that it's surgery, and the recovery time is like a c-section.......

    I have a few friends that have done the procedure during their c-section, but they were over age 35 when they had it done...... 


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • I am just wondering why your DH doesn't just get a vasectomy?  It is 1,000 times less invasive.  I dropped DH off at the doctor and then picked him up 30 minutes later.  He sat on frozen peas for a weekend and then was back to work.  
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  • Didn't answer the rest of the questions. I'm 28 and DH is 36.  We knew we were done because two just felt like a good #.  They are so close together that we really will have our hands full.

    Also - Our income is modest - About 70k and I don't want to over-extend ourselves, financially.

    Lastly, with DH's age, he only wants two.   

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  • I will be having Essure after #3 which is little coils put in your Fallopian tubes and then scar tissue forms around them. It is nonsurgical and minimal recovery and not reversable. Maybe that would be a better option. I think if you really really wanted another child, you could do IVF after Essure but I've never heard of that. My friend talked a doctor into doing the procedure after 1 child when she was 25. She has no regrets.
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  • I am 30 and will be having my tubes tied whenever this LO decides to make her appearance.  I don't understand why your Dr would think you are too young...I could see if you were real early 20s.  For me, this is my 2nd high risk pregnancy with 5 months bedrest with each pregnancy and I want to be darned sure that I will never be pregnant again.  Truth be told, DH may still be get a vasectomy even with my tubes tied because I am that worried about ever being pregnant again.
  • I have not had my tubes tied but DH had a vasectomy. We are "young"...I was 25 and DH was 29 when he had it done. DD was only 3 months old and we were sure that we were done with 2 for many reasons. However, there are still days occasionally when I regret that we did that and part of me wishes we could have a third. 90% of the time I am content with our family of 4 but I do think about having a 3rd sometimes...not enough to try to reverse the procedure though as it is a not reliable and very difficult. I do wish we had waited a little longer to be absolutely sure we were done with 2.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Dh had a vasectomy last year.  I'm 29 and we have two kids.  I'm very sure that two kids is the right amount for us.
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  • I don't have my tubes tied.  I told my husband that it was his turn to do something.  So he had no problem going in and getting fixed :)  He said he knows it's way less pain and way less recovery time then me having to go through getting my tubes tied.  But, I am 28 and I/we both new that we only wanted to kids, so I don't regret him getting fixed.  Plus we always said that if for some reason down the road we believe we were supposed to have another child then we would adopt and help another child out who would have northing. 
    10 MONTHS APART AND LOVIN IT! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers imageimage
  • I have a friend who has four kids and she got her tubes tied with the last one.  I think her youngest is 3.  She just turned 31 and she does not regret it at all. She has two boys and two girls and she says they are very happy with what they have.

    I don't, nor plan to, have my tubes tied.  It is less risky for the hubby to get a vasectomy, then me getting tied.  DH actually said that he'd rather have it done to him because of that fact.  We've always said we'd have three. I'm currently pregnant with our third, due Sept., and then we're done.  I was hoping for a girl so it would feel more done, but I guess boys is what we're good at. : )

    DH is very open to the option of adopting a little girl in the future. But....that's in the future and we'll cross that bridge later. 

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  • I don't have my tubes tied, but often think of talking to DH about getting himself fixed.  We've brushed on it b/c we're both so sure that we're done and happy with two kids.  However, I have to admit that those fleeting thoughts of one more in a few years have crossed my mind.  I get over it very fast, but wonder if I would feel differently if the choice wasn't mine anymore.  I am 28 now and wonder if I'll still feel so done when I'm 31.  DH is 38.
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  • Your OB sounds exactly like mine, and now look at the situation I'm in.  My OB almost refused to do something permanent because I was "still young" when I had #2.  I was 32.  DH and I KNEW we didnt' want any more.  She was like, well, do the IUD because it is almost as close to 100% as you can get.  When I went for my annual back in Januarary I asked her if we should be extra cautious and have DH get fixed.  She said that some people do that too, but that the IUD is probably "good enough."  So we did nothing.  She did say that when my IUD ran it's course (It's good for 5 years), that I should do Essure.  Permanant scaring of the tubes.  It is only about  4 or 5 years old, and I don't know how I feel about it.  It seems good, but I don't know if there is enough data out there. 

    I personally know a handful of couples (okay 2) who have had a vas. and gotten pregnant again.  They aren't 100% either!

    Whatever happen after this little situation we've got ourselves into is over, DH and I are BOTH getting fixed.  DH is ready to schedule his appointment today! 

    Anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice!
  • I am 40 almost 41 and I chickened out about having my tubes tied. I talked about it at every appointment with my OB when PG with DS last year. The morning of the scheduled c-section he walks in and says, "So, are we tying those tubes?" I just looked at him and in my moment of hesitation, he took it off the table. He always told me that if I was not 100% sure he wouldn't do it.

    I think my hesitation was that my DH didn't really support the decision. He did not want either one of us get 'fixed'. Now, a year later and absolutely sure we are done, I regret NOT getting it done. But, being older and needing a little hormonal support, the Pill is working great and I probably would take it even if I had my tubes tied :-(

  • I may do this depending on how my IUD plays out with AF and stuff (haven't had pp AF yet).  I've known a couple people that had it done and it was nowhere near the recovery of a c/s and the people that I know IRL felt fine after a couple days.  Of course everybody's recovery is different.
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMamatoJackson:
    I am just wondering why your DH doesn't just get a vasectomy?  It is 1,000 times less invasive.  I dropped DH off at the doctor and then picked him up 30 minutes later.  He sat on frozen peas for a weekend and then was back to work.  

    The reason why is because I have to have a c-section so they will already be in there and I will already have the recovery from the birth, so why not kill two birds with one stone.  Also, from a cost standpoint, that would be the time to do it since this baby is due in Dec and our insurance rolls over in Jan meaning a new deductible to meet.

    I really know two is it for us.  We're not affluent, and when I am finished with school, I will be back at work.  I don't see our financial situation changing drastically after that either, especially if we add another kid in child care to the situation.  I don't want to have another child after I begin working again because of many reasons, one of those being I will absolutely not be able to stay home with a third if we had one, and we certainly will not be having a third while I am still in school.

    Either way, I know that no one can tell me the correct answer for us.  DH is supportive with whatever I decide, and I'm sure if I asked, he would get it done himself instead.  Still have 4.5 more months to decide.

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  • I completely understand wanting to kill two birds with one stone.  If you've not made up your mind by the time your C-Section comes, I'd wait, though.  A vasectomy is a relatively inexpensive procedure and very quick.  It would be really crummy to spend the post-natal "moody" period worrying that you made the wrong choice, if you're not completely sure about it when it happens.
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  • I had my tubes tied when DD#2 was born via planned c-section (DS was an emergency c/s, new OB wasn't onboard with a VBAC for DD).  The only issue I had was that if DD had been a boy, I may have wanted to try for one more.  Once we knew DD was indeed a girl we planned the tubal.  Had it not been a c-section DH would have gotten a vasectomy.   

    I was 29 when I had it done and I don't regret it at all, neither does DH.  3 kids is perfect for us and I wanted to be done having kids by the time I was 30.  We want to be able to raise our kids while we still have some energy (ha!;) and yet not be retired by the time they are out of the house.   

    DD#1~8/17/96------DS~10/24/05 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagechicsub:
    I may do this depending on how my IUD plays out with AF and stuff (haven't had pp AF yet).  I've known a couple people that had it done and it was nowhere near the recovery of a c/s and the people that I know IRL felt fine after a couple days.  Of course everybody's recovery is different.

    What I meant by that is that the recovery is AS LONG as it is with a c-section. You don't do it on a Friday and are back at work on Monday. With a vasectomy, that is how it works. Have it done Friday, back at work Monday. Much less invasive procedure.

    Most of my friends that have had it done, did it WITH their c-section and not separately. 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • Yes 2 times!!!!!!! Wink

    When I was 25 I had it after my son was born and right after my c-section. I had two children 19mo apart and we were good. 

     Long story short. Divorced. Remarried. He had no kids. I did almost regret it almost immediately. 

    Had a tubal reversal, lost one of those tubes in an ectopic pregnancy. My chances of pregnancy were pretty low. I went on to have 2 beautiful miracle baby girls ages 2 & 4.  I did have another TL on my one remaining tube. No regrets this time! I had a lot of medical conditions b/c of 3 c/s and the TL, plus I'm too old for any more. I'm happy w/ my 4. My oldest 2 are 12 & 13 and then the 2 little ones.

  • imageHarrietNJMommy:

    I may do this depending on how my IUD plays out with AF and stuff (haven't had pp AF yet).  I've known a couple people that had it done and it was nowhere near the recovery of a c/s and the people that I know IRL felt fine after a couple days.  Of course everybody's recovery is different.

    What I meant by that is that the recovery is AS LONG as it is with a c-section. You don't do it on a Friday and are back at work on Monday. With a vasectomy, that is how it works. Have it done Friday, back at work Monday. Much less invasive procedure.

    Most of my friends that have had it done, did it WITH their c-section and not separately. 

    Makes sense!  I was thinking of MY c/s recovery, not a weekend thing, which is why I didn't see the correlation.  This is the only reason I would have wanted a repeat c/s, so I could just get the tubal done at the same time while they were already in there.
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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