I've been working as a CNA (nursing assistant) at a nursing home for... oh, it would be three years in October. Waaaay too long, especially consisting half of that was midnight shift. And I start nursing school at the tail end of August. DH and I talked several months ago about school + kid + work and decided to prioritize school + kid, so work went buh-bye (I was only working every other weekend anyway).
Today was my last day. I have to say, clocking out felt pretty awesome. We went out for beers tonight to celebrate (I insisted, and in fact have been insisting all week). It turns out I'm a lightweight, and also the IPA on tap (= strong beer for those not familiar with IPAs) was delicious. So was some of DH's Stella Artois. And now I'm checking out the homebrew. I'm unemployed and wheeeeeeeeeeee!
(Any coherency in this post brought to you by that squiggly red line that pops up when you misspell things.)
Re: NCDR: I quit my job
Congrats and good luck with school! I went to a school where there was a HUGE nursing program, so a lot of my friends talked about it all the time. Kids and school are very important.
ETA: Good beer is also important.
I speak from experience when I say you are making a VERY wise decision. I just finished nursing school and had been working as a CNA before that. I actually stopped working when I found out I was pregnant so I could focus on myself and school, then the baby and school. I really had no idea how the working moms handled the RN program. It's really tough.
Good luck!
DH is saying I should drink water
He doesn't want me to be hurting when the jackhammers start up in the basement again tomorrow. I don't want to be hurting when S decides that 3 AM is playtime. Sigh.
Compromise - water + pretzels + homebrew. I think everyone wins.
*Disclaimer for those that get up in arms about alcohol and breastfeeding: we have lots of pumped milk in the fridge right now.
So exciting to be able to focus on just the two, school and kid!
My job wouldn't take me back (long story regarding scheduling) after I delivered DS. Doesn't help that he was 10 weeks early and more than half of my leave was spent in the NICU. It's nice to be home with him for now. I interview Thursday for a part time PCA position
My political science degree will not come in useful here....
Good luck with school!! and enjoy the time you can spend with your family!
Aw, boo
Were you able to take FMLA? I'm guessing not, if they were able to refuse to take you back. That's sucky.
Good luck with the interview! Definitely let us know how it goes. And... all I can come up with for PCA is patient care associate. Am I right on the money or way off base?
Yes, I did get FMLA! Thank goodness. They wanted me to come back at 9 hrs a week, instead of my previous 37... It worked out for the best.
Close! Patient Care Assistant. Basically help the RNs
India Pale Ale. It originated from when Britain controlled India. They had a lot of troops there, and apparently part of keeping the troops happy was keeping them supplied with beer. Problem was, they got their beer via ship from England. This took a long time, and most of the regular English beers were in a sorry state by the time they arrived. So, they started making a new beer. The alcohol content was higher, partly for preservation (I think) and partly because it's more economical to ship a more concentrated brew. It had more hops as well. Hops act partly as a preservative, and partly are used because the bitterness they provide helps balance the sweetness from a more concentrated, highly malty brew.
As a side note, hops also have a relaxing effect. I recall reading somewhere (afraid I don't remember where) that once they started regularly using hops in beer, bar brawls dropped by a measurable amount. Back in the day they used to use all sorts of herbs instead of hops. As an example, I've had heather beer. It tastes like an herbal-ish beer. I prefer hops in my beer, but it was interesting. I'm not inclined to start brawls in general, so I don't have any personal data about aggression levels after consuming heather beer vs hopped beer.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I've been a CNA for two years now and just went PRN on the 24th, so I know how satisfying it can be to clock out on your last day (I've worked a whopping 4 hours since going PRN). I worked on a rehab-to-home unit at a nursing home. I loved my residents, but the nursing management (including evil DON) was making everyone's life hell.
Congratulations on starting the RN program in the fall!!! I'm going back to school in January after LO arrives to finish up some pre-reqs so I can apply for our RN program.
We have a rehab-to-home unit at my facility. I worked there on occasion (haven't been down that wing in a while). It could be really nice working with people who were there for a distinct goal and were planning to go home at some point in the future.
I was full-time before DS was born. After he arrived I went to the every-other-weekend arrangement. I think it was great for my sanity to get out of the house those days (and great for bonding time between DH and DS), but it was also a good indicator of how I felt about my job that I really didn't mind cutting back that much. I've always loved working and pulling in a paycheck, and planned to work at least some after having child(ren).
Good luck with school in January!
I just want to say WooHoo again! I left my job in engineering to stay at home a year and a half ago and am starting pastry school in the fall. It was such a big step in future happiness for me... and I'm so happy that you are doing the same!!!
P.S. I love me some IPA
P.P.S. And homebrew.
I prefer the rehab unit because the residents can tell you what they need and most can wipe their own butts.
Plus, it's nice being able to have conversations with them.
I chose PRN because there are no weekend requirements. DH works M-F and it's been really nice spending the weekends with him. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the job considering what I do throughout the day. It's one of the reasons I don't think cloth diapering is gross. Once you've smelled c. diff, nothing is gross.
My cousin was in politics then went to the pastry program at FCI in NYC and now owns a candy business. Talk about a career change! Yum!
yay beer! I opened a fresh Redhook growler when I got back from the boards yesterday! It was wonderful :-)
I don't like IPA though. I like girly, fruity, wheat beers. Mmmm beer. I think I'll crack open a blueberry right now!
LOL. This is SO true!
Oooo, Redhook. I did a tour of their brewery once with my parents. I still have the tasting glass. I really wanted to bring a growler of the Copper Hook back with me, but I don't think the airport would have gone for it (this was pre-TSA). I don't generally like fruity beers, but I do like fruity meads. The homebrew I was finishing up was a raspberry mead. Yum.
Doesn't Pyramid have an apricot ale, or something similar? I remember having one like that (ages ago) that I actually liked.
Pastry school sounds awesome. I've really been wanting to do some baking lately - can't wait for it to cool off!
Oh, and absolutely yes re C. diff. There's nothing remotely like it
I've only seen VRE once in my 2 years as an aide. The only rooms I've had the opportunity to stay out of are shingles and MRSA of the nares/sputum. The MRSA patient was in the group I took care of every day and she was an adorable little lady. I hated not going in her room. I'd wave from the doorway and she'd tell me to come in, promising not to cough.
God I am jealous. Congrats!
I was finishing my pre-reqs for nursing school when I became pregnant. I had to kick school to the curb b/c we depend on my income. Boo. I would have rather done what you are doing.
I do, however, disapprove of your beer choice. IPA (& hoppy beers in general) get the thunbs down from me
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.