1st Trimester

Thoughts on L&D?

I'm bored at home, it's raining like crazy out and I'm stuck inside, so I thought I'd ask: Are any of you 'scared' of L&D, or were you before you found out you were prego?

I was terrified of the thought of getting an episiotomy, and it almost (stupidly) turned me off from ever having children. Dumb, I know, but it really used to scare me! Now that I know I am facing L&D, and know that there is no turning back, I feel confident and actually told DH the other day that if an episiotomy needed to be done to get LO out, then so be it. I am a changed woman! But I wonder if it's the hormones?

Re: Thoughts on L&D?

  • I was never scared of L&D until my water broke at 36 weeks.  I wasn't really scared of delivery; I was scared that my DD would be sick.

    I'll be honest, I'm a little more worried about L&D just b/c of some of my amazing bumpie pals.  Some of their stories scare the crap out of me.  I'm praying this delivery will be as easy--but later--as DD's.

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  • Terrified of it.  That is why I am planning my second homebirth.   

    Edit- I just realized that you meant labor and delivery in general- not L&D a the hospital.  LOL  

    No, I am not scared of going through labor and giving birth.  My body is designed to do this and I have all the faith in the world in my MW.  Yes, it is going to hurt, but it is pain with purpose...and you get a baby out of it! :) 

    Lilypie - (ZESJ)Lilypie - (QAi1)

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  • I was terrified of L&D, I have a low pain tolerance and the thought of experiencing the most pain a women can go through terrified me. I epidural worked really well and looking back at it, I think my anxiety over it made it a lot worse and a lot more dramatic then it really should've been. It was the fear of the unknown. I hope this time around I can try and remain more calm.
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  • When you are pregnant, people LOVE telling you their labor horror stories. So, I was fully "prepared" for the worst. That said, I thought labor and delivery was easier than I expected. I DID get an epidural, but not until I was in labor for 24 hours and had already (unknowingly) dilated to 10 without it. That was also with an induction, which I had heard more scary stories about. 

    Everyone's experience is different, and don't get me wrong... it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but at the same time it's exciting and goes quickly in it's own weird way. 


    Son #1: 12.27.08 (6 years)
    Son #2: 02.06.12 (2.5 yrs)
    Baby #3 due: 02.10.15 (It's a girl!)
    GD with all three pregnancies

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  • I was doing fine until three days ago when my FIL told me the horror story of my husband's birth.  He used so much detail and talked about so many things that hadn't crossed my mind that now I'm terrified....  Especially of the shoulders.  *shudder* those giant shoulders that seem to affect every generation of his family...

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  • I was terrified during my first pregnancy. I went into it scared out of my wits. I had an epidural and, honestly, the epi was amazing. I got to experience the whole thing without the horror of the intense pain. So, I got the miracle without the torment. :D The episiotomy was the least of my concern, in the craziness of pushing and breathing, I honestly don't even remember it. 

    My second pregnancy was much more enjoyable as I wasn't freaked out about the L&D. It went so smoothly. I felt more confident that my body could manage it. I got an epi with my second too but waited until the very end and had it dialed way down so I still felt pain and the stitches afterward. And here I am with my 3rd. While I don't look forward to the pain of it, it truly is a miraculous experience bringing a child into the world. Wow!

    And this is so true:

    Everyone's experience is different, and don't get me wrong... it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but at the same time it's exciting and goes quickly in it's own weird way. 

  • I'm not afraid of L&D for one reason and one reason alone: kidney stones.

    In the past I had a HUGE problem with kidney stones and was actually passing a stone every few months or so.  Fast forward to this year and a friend of mine was telling me she had to pass a stone.  She said to me, "Seriously, I gave birth to two kids and passing this stone was worse."  I hear that a LOT and seeing as I've passed many a stone with NO medication, I think I can handle this, or at least have a reasonable expectation of what the pain will be like.

    What I AM afraid of?  Pooping in front of everyone.  :) 

  • Joie80Joie80 member

    This is my first and I'm a little concerned because DH is deploying this fall and won't be back in time for the delivery. Other than that, I see it mostly as a part of the process. I'm sure it'll be hard, but I have no qualms about epidurals and the like. Most of my friends highly recommend them and I'm likely to take advantage of them if they fit with my situation.

  • You won't be scared when it happens-- it happens so fast and you are so focused on how the baby is doing and just getting through it, you don't have time to be scared!  If anything, my fears were more based around DD and whether or not she was doing ok, I just wanted her in my arms.
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  • I was terrified of actually having my baby when I was pregnant the first time. I hate getting IVs, I was nervous about the epidural, I was terrified of something going wrong and needing a C-section...the whole thing. 

    The morning I went in to be induced, I was nervous, but at that point I was so over being pregnant that I just didn't care. I cringed when I got the IV. I literally only felt the numbing shot of my epidural (Not even exaggerating. I thought he was still waiting for the Lidocaine to work, and he was done). My doctor needed to use vacuum assistance since I had a lot of trouble pushing. But then it was over, just like that, and I realized that I hadn't really had time to be too scared through it.

  • When I went into labor with DD, I wasn't scared at all. She was 9 days overdue and I was SOOOO ready to get her out. I welcomed the pain of labor. It was hard, but it does go by fast and it's exciting knowing that you will be meeting your baby very soon. Things like an episiotomy & pooping in front of everyone will be the last things on your mind, I promise!

     This time, I'm not scared or worried. I feel pretty empowered about it because I know I can do it. 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • It's scary to think about but at the same time no matter how you think it will go, you just have to wait for the day to come. The end result makes up for it all, too!  :)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 

  • You kind of make me laugh...sorry.  Only because with DS I was the most scared of getting a catheter when I had my epidural. Kinda doesn't makes sense, lol.  If you get an epidural you probably won't feel any of the catheter being put in OR of the episiotomy.  I remember my doctor thought I was so weird for being nervous...
  • It's normal to be scared, but you don't need to be! Millions of women have delivered their babies safely. I used to get scared, but mostly b/c I'm an ICU nurse and took care of some mommies that didn't do well, but that is usually when the woman has not had prenatal care and some undiagnosed condition like preeclampsia. I can't remember ever being nervous or scared the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Try not to worry, but know that it's normal :)
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  • imagerobbins110808:
    You kind of make me laugh...sorry.  Only because with DS I was the most scared of getting a catheter when I had my epidural. Kinda doesn't makes sense, lol.  If you get an epidural you probably won't feel any of the catheter being put in OR of the episiotomy.  I remember my doctor thought I was so weird for being nervous...

    Ok, I confess. The catheter freaked me out, too. Needle in my SPINE? Fine. Episiotomy, if necessary? Sure. But the thought of a catheter had me wound up. I ALMOST avoided it because I got my epidural at like 4:30 AM and DS was born at 7:16 AM, but they gave me a temporary one and of course, it was fine since I still had the epidural going.  Why are those so scary?! :)

    Son #1: 12.27.08 (6 years)
    Son #2: 02.06.12 (2.5 yrs)
    Baby #3 due: 02.10.15 (It's a girl!)
    GD with all three pregnancies

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