Hi Ladies,
It is looking like I am in the home stretch now as they are officially turning off the IV Mag on Friday (when I am 34 weeks- yes, ticker is off by 2 days). My OB wants me to have a 2nd round of steroid shots Wed/Thurs (got 1st round ~ 31 weeks) and then they will watch me for 24 hrs to see what happens.
I can't help but thinking that I may get to meet these little guys this weekend (as they have tried going down on the Mag from 3 mg/hr to 2.5 mg/hr 3 different times, and with each attempt contractions pick right up again). I was 2 cm dilated & 50% effaced when I was admitted 2 weeks ago, but they haven't checked me since for fear of "stirring the pot". Also, FWIW they did a growth u/s Fri and they were measuring ~ 5 lbs 1 oz and 4 lbs 14 oz, so they are doing great, I just think their "apartment" aka my irritable ute is trying to kick them out
Just curious if any of you out there came off Mag and did not go into labor???
Re: Anyone go off IV Mag and NOT go into labor?
Me too! at 31 weeks I went into PTL and was 3 cms dilated and was on mag for 3 days to get the steroids a chance to work.
It stopped ctx, I went home on strict bedrest taking no other meds (she gave me oral procardia but I never took it), and had my girls at 37.5 weeks when my water broke!
Good luck!
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!