Pre-School and Daycare

iPhone alternative?

DS loves the apps on our phones, but his latest "game" is calling people and he knows he's doing it so we're done letting him play on our phones.  Any suggestions for other toys with learning apps and/or reading for an almost 3 year-old?  He doesn't have any other electronic toys yet and we don't let him play on the computer.  Something to keep him occupied when I'm tending to DD would be great!
DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: iPhone alternative?

  • iPod touch? That's what my kids phone service.
    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • I agree with the iPod touch.  When I upgraded to the new iPhone, I gave DD my old one.  We installed a bunch of (free) preschool apps and it makes travel time in the car much easier.  The only other suggestion I can recommend is the Mobigo.  DD has one of those as well and the game cartridges are for kids ages 3-5 or 4-7 (or 8). Hope that helps!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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