1st Trimester

skeptical: a line is a line, right? PIP

I am cautiously saying hello. I noticed some symptoms (slightly larger, tender breasts, heart burn, and extreme irritability), but I am still dismissing them as phantom symptoms, I think. I tested this morning and got a super faint line. I estimate I am near the middle/end of the third week....if I am pregnant, so it would still be early. I took some pictures within the testing window. The first one is normal. The second one is converted to black and white, and the third one has the colors enhanced. I am going to try to wait until at least Thursday or so to test again. I also will get a digital for later in the week too. I just don't want to get my hopes up. MH saw the lines too, but I guess we are just too skeptical to think it is a BFP.





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Re: skeptical: a line is a line, right? PIP

  • Looks like a BFP to me.  If you're still unsure, re-test each day and see the line progressively get darker.  Congratulations!
  • Yep, a line is a line!  Congratulations!  If you have a bunch of ICs I'd test again in the mornings over the next couple days, you'll feel better as the line gets darker.
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  • You are pregnant, a line is most definitely  line!  I would test again in a couple of days, I bet it is much darker then :)  Congratulations!!
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  • I used the same test and had the same faint line.  I then tested with an EPT stick and it said "Pregnant".  Congrats looks like you're pregnant!


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  • imageMamaVantobe:
    I used the same test and had the same faint line.  I then tested with an EPT stick and it said "Pregnant".  Congrats looks like you're pregnant!

    Same here. I tested with a strip like that first and then used a digital and it said pregnant.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I tested positive at 3 weeks, 2 days and that is exactly what my test looked like! Congrats!
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  • imagexoladiebug:
    Looks like a BFP to me.  If you're still unsure, re-test each day and see the line progressively get darker.  Congratulations!


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  • That's what my first couple of tests looked like ^.^ and I was about 4-5 weeks when I first tested.
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  • Thanks ladies. I will keep testing with IC tests and take a FRER or a digital later in the week.
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  • i see it :) congrats! i tested really early too with DS (6 days before my missed period) and got a super faint line. i'd just test again in a couple days but i see it!


  • That's very obviously a line to me! My first faint line was much fainter than that. Congrats!
    Little Squish #1, 3.25.12

    Little Squish #2 Due 10.9.15
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  • I took my first test at 4 weeks, 1 day. It was waaaaayyyy faint to the point that I almost threw it away thinking it was a negative and my family was even very skeptical when I asked them. I only had 2 people tell me a line is a line. I took another one the next day, and it was much brighter already! The day after that, I took a digital one and it said PREGNANT!!!! so I am a firm believer that a line is a line!!!! I see the line on yours, so congrats! 
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  • It's a line! I And I had my BFP at 10 dpo or 3 weeks and 3 days so... it can totally be positive!
  • sherpasherpa member
    That's a big fat positive!  Congratulations!
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  • I used a similar Amazon cheapie and my BFP was much lighter than yours. Congrats!
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    Breastfeeding and pregnant!
  • My first line was super faint , I bought a better test and tested next morning it was MUCH darker
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  • Hi I'm lurking from 3rd tri, but thats what mine looked like.....Congrats!!!
    "You and me together can do anything, baby!!" DMB
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  • The same thing happened to me the first and second time, I kinda blew it off but continued to have similar symptoms. The following week I made my husband get a digital and it took no time at all to say - PREGNANT! I'd say its a positive! Congrats!!
    Vanessa H.
  • Mine looked like that at first too, congrats!

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