I think (and hope!) that I found my doula.

She's coming over on Tuesday to meet with H and I, but so far I've loved everything I've heard/read/seen from her.  She's been at 4 VBACs with my OB and had nothing but praise for my OB in re: to being very hands off and letting the mom do what she needed to do to labor (which I was so relieved to hear) rather than imposing and trying to force certain things to happen.  She said that she never even heard my OB say the word "c-section" during those births.  I can't tell you how thrilled I am.

I don't know that I'm necessarily going to attempt a natural birth - I think I will most likely end up with at least a walking epidural, but I want the doula there to help me with my goal of VBAC.  I've been afraid of ending up in L&D for hours upon hours and then having my OB (or some other doc if mine can't be there) try to talk me into a c-section because things are taking too long and they want to go home. I know several women that this has happened to, and they all say the same thing - "I was tired, overwhelmed, and emotional, and I gave in to the doctors, and now I regret it and wish I would've tried longer for the vaginal birth."  I do NOT want that to happen to me. If a c/s is medically necessary, fine, but I don't want a dr trying to talk me into it and make me think that it's necessary when it isn't.  I feel like a doula can really help me and be there to support me should this happen.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: I think (and hope!) that I found my doula.

  • Thats terrible that the doctors would talk you into a C/S because they want to go home! It seems really important to have someone you trust there, and to follow your heart, not the pushy medical people (sorry if any of you are medical people). I have the opposite problem here because they are sooo laid back, they didn't even tell me my baby was sunny side up the first time til like 18hours of labor and thats why I wasn't dialating!
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Sarah Mayers, lover of God, mother of two girls!
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