Posted pics for Monday stocking,
I want to try for something I just cant decide what!!
Robots has always been one of my favorite prints. But Superhero is cute, and Geek Gone Wild is ADORABLE! (And DH is sort of a geek!
Also who can resist Hungry Caterpillar??
Re: Nala's Fluffy Bums
I was happier with last weeks selection but I forgot to stalk them
I have that robot print in a piddle poddle, otherwise I'd probably go for it.
Yeah, last week I really loved the guitars and the bicycles.. but I totally forgot to stalk too. I was sad when I realized I had completely missed it.
Leah - I hope LO comes soon for you!
Actually I haven't tried these before. I've seen them mentioned on the board a few times with pretty positive responses, and I figured for a cute print I could try them out for $19. I tried to grab one of the NB testers when she stocked those a couple weeks ago, but was unsuccessful. Which is probably for the best anyways because C will be transitioning out of her NB diapers in the next month or so.
She says they are "stand in" pics so I wasn't sure what that meant?
I have the boneheads print in a cover and love it other wise I would totally go for that one. I think she has very good taste overall-I just have not heard anything about the function.
She said on FB that her sunlight ran out so she didn't get photos of this week's actual diapers, but was using past photos of the same prints.
I like Urban Zoo!
Yes Please!
Thanks for the review!
It's in the wash but I'll snap some pictures this afternoon
P.S. The caterpillar diaper is pretty cute. We love that book.
I want to see pics! I have been eyeing her dipes for the past few weeks but haven't pulled the trigger. It's good to hear they are in the small size-my new thing is to only buy dipes I LOVE so unless she has a great print (or my day totally sucked) I won't buy one and will just have to live vicariously through you ladies!
PS kids-um, it's time to change your sig! Ha!