Baby Names

What Were You Going to Be Named?

Almost a year ago I posted a fun mini survey just for fun. So here is another just for fun. =D

What were the other options for names that your parents were thinking for you? For me, it was between Natasha, Penelope, and Felica. To be honest, I am glad I was not named Penelope or Felica... it seems unfitting with my personality. 

How about you?  

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Re: What Were You Going to Be Named?

  • I'm Jennifer Elizabeth, but if I were a boy I'd have been Jerry Lee (this eventually went to my brother). My dad also mentioned recently that he'd have liked to name me Ella Matilda after his two grandmothers Lou Ella and Sarah Matilda.
    ~ Married 14 years and counting ~
    Chandler 11/2000 ~ Bronwyn 6/2002 ~ Grayson 3/2010 ~ Matilda/Till 6/2012
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    BFP 10/20/11 ::sticky dust::
    BFP 9/11/11 - m/c 9/25/11 5w5d
  • I was supposed to be Whitney, but my name is Brynn.  I had two brothers and then my sister was born and she ended up being Whitney... guess my parents just couldn't get over that name!
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  • Noel or Holly. I was born in June so neither of those would work (plus I don't really like them)
  • I was either going to be Tabitha or Vanessa (which I love), or Adam if I was a boy. but my mom chose the most popular name of the year I was born...Jessica.  Dont really love my name, and theres only a million out there!  Eh, oh well i guess :)
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  • I'm Katherine, but my mom considered Amanda, let me just say I'm glad I'm a Katherine. 

    If I was a boy I would have been Christopher Anthony.  

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  • My mom really wanted to name me Brianna, but my dad wouldn't go for it. My mom still loves the name and pushed it on me hard when I was pregnant with DD. If I was a boy, I would have been Kyle.
    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
  • My dad liked Katie after an aunt, but Mom insisted I looked more like an Emily. So there you have it.

    If I were a boy, I would have been Jeremiah.

  • Ella85Ella85 member
    Jennifer Elizabeth or Natalie Karinne

    Married 8-02-08

    After 3 years TTC with PCOS and two losses Olivia Nikelle was born 4-08-13

    TTC #2 Since August 2014

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I was going to be Michael Jr., after my dad, because I was supposed to be a boy (my parents were team green, and since they already had a daughter, they were indulging in some wishful thinking).

    When I came out female, they just feminized the name, hence, Michelle.

  • My parents considered the names Whitney and Anne for me. If I had been a boy I would have been named Paul.
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  • I was supposed to be a twin but only I survived... my mum said I was going to have the other name they chose which was Jennifer - I dont know what changed their mind but my name is Kimberley
  • My dad liked Sarah and Emily. My mom wanted something less popular and suggested Mallory. I ended up as Hilary.
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  • I would have been Victoria. I'm not a Vicky. So glad the Christmas theme won and mom went with Holly and for my twin, Tiffany. 
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  • Rocio. It's a simply nice Spanish name, but it definitely does not fit my personality.
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  • It was between Kristin Nichole, Stephanie Claire and Tabitha Dawn. Can you tell I was a child born in the early 80's? Wink

    They ended up choosing Kristin, but growing up, I really wished they would have chosen Tabitha. 

    I can't remember what boy name they had picked out for me.

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • I would have been Douglas Michael and DH would have been Jennifer Leigh

    Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
    Blog    Names
  • imageJlroberts57:
    I was either going to be Tabitha or Vanessa (which I love), or Adam if I was a boy. but my mom chose the most popular name of the year I was born...Jessica.  Dont really love my name, and theres only a million out there!  Eh, oh well i guess :)


    I'm a Jessica too! born in '86 and it was the #1 name for girls that year. I don't care much for my name either. i was suppose to be Sadie but my mom changed it the day I was born. I wish she would have stuck with Sadie rather than Jessica, especially because I go by Jessie and my husband's name is Jesse, pretty annoying! 


    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imagelovemytwoboys:

    It was between Kristin Nichole, Stephanie Claire and Tabitha Dawn. Can you tell I was a child born in the early 80's? Wink

    They ended up choosing Kristin, but growing up, I really wished they would have chosen Tabitha. 

    I can't remember what boy name they had picked out for me.

    My sister's name is Tabitha and I love her name! NN is Tab and it was so cute on her growing up and so easy and fitting for her as an adult.  


    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • My dad was pushing for Danielle, but my mother refused because she said she didn't want to have a Jimmy and a Timmy (dad and brother) and a Dani and a Donna.

    She loved Leigh, but we have a one-syllable last name and she thought it didn't sound right together, so it's my middle name.

    If I was a boy I was going to be Jeffery Ryan. 

    Kristen and Bryan ~ 10-10-10 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • My mother was really considering Arminda Ellen for me.  It was a family name and she was going to call me Mindy.  I am totally NOT a Mindy.  She went with Tricia, not Patricia, just Tricia.  I am thankful she did.  I am even considering passing it along to a daughter some day. If my brother's can name their sons after themselves, then why can't I?  :)

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  • I'm a Molly (Mary) who was almost an Elisabeth, and if I were a boy I'd have been Christopher, which was later used as my brother's middle name.
    Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama Photobucket
  • Kelly Rose-if I was blonde

    Siobhan Maureen-if I was a redhead

    My current name-brunette.  Thank goodness I came out with lots of dark hair :)

    If I were a boy I would have been David Zachary 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • It was between Reese or Emily. My mom said I just looked like an Emily, so that's what they went with. It's a popular name, but it's never caused a problem for me and I like it, so I have no qualms. But, I guess I wouldn't have a had a problem with Reese either.

    If I was a boy, I was going to be Kyle. And that eventually went to my bro. 

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    Caleb Jonathan
    Born November 30, 2011

    The Winking of an Eye
    A blog about the mommyhood, wifehood and lifehood of a misplaced Minnesotan in SoCal
  • Rachel or Brandon (if I had been a boy).
    P - 9/2008
    A - 8/2010
    L - 1/2013
    S - 3/2015
  • I was going to be Andrew Duncan (if I was a boy)...and it's funny because I married an Andrew :)
  • I was going to be named Roxanne nn Roxy (dad's pick) or Annmarie (mom's pick).  They decided on Julia, thank God. 

    "I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing."

  • I was to be Mary Elizabeth "Mary Beth", but my mom wasn't sold so she named me after the heroine of a book she had been reading.

    If I was a boy I was to be Andrew James or Andrew Charles.

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  • I am Breanna Mom wanted it to be spelled Brianna Lin but my Dad spelled it totally wrong on the Birth Certificate :) I'm okay with that :)

    My first name was either going to be Breanna/Brianna or Rebecca.


    08.2008 | Diagnosed with PCOS
    11.2011 | First appointment with RE
    12.2011 | HSG reveals 100% blockages in both tubes
    02.2012 | Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy to unblock tubes...success!

    { BFP # 1 | April 1, 2012 }
    Jonah Alexander is here! Born 12.07.12 @ 39w3d

    { BFP # 2 | May 22, 2013 }
    Chemical Pregnancy :(

    { BFP # 3 | February 12, 2014 }
    So far, so good! We love you, little peanut!

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  • My parents were Team Green, so if I'd been a boy, I'd have been Adam.

    The choices for my sister were Megan and Tara. My mom wanted the spelling Tara, but wanted the pronunciation to be like Terra. She was worried she's be called Tar-uh, so Megan won. I'm glad. I don't like Tara much, and sis is much more a Megan.

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    7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
    DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
  • The nurses at the hospital wanted my parents to give me a name that started with R (Rachel, Rebecca) so my initials would be RSVP (my maiden name was a Dutch "Van" name).  However, my parents chose Amanda because it "wasn't too common" was the #3 name that year!!

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  • I want to say there were two other choices, but I only remember one--Jill.  They couldn't think of a middle name to go with it, and I was born at 7am, so they thought Dawn was more fitting.

    If I'd been a boy, I would've been David Alexander.  That ended up going to my younger brother. :-)

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  • imageAlphabetFish:

    I was going to be Michael Jr., after my dad, because I was supposed to be a boy (my parents were team green, and since they already had a daughter, they were indulging in some wishful thinking).

    When I came out female, they just feminized the name, hence, Michelle.

    Something similar happened to my mom.  She was her parents' first born and they were convinced she was going to be a boy and decided on Michael.  When she came out a girl, they decided on Michelle - except they spelled in Michal.  She has spent her whole life correcting people's spelling of it, having people actually tell her she spelled her name wrong, or telling her that she can't use her husband's credit cards.  She even briefly was put in an all male dorm in college.  My dad gets some really funny looks sometimes when he is writing a check, LOL!

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  • I know that if I were a boy, I would have been Aaron.  I'm not sure about any other names that were considered.  If my sister had been a boy, she was going to be Samuel Edward.
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  • I was always going to have a double name, starting with Anna. The other option was Anna Yolanda, after aunts on two sides of the family named Yolanda. In the end, my parents chose Sylvia after my godmother. The double name never stuck, in any event.
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  • I'm Sheena and my parents were very set on that and didn't even think of other options.  If I was a boy I would be Ryan.  With my sister it was between Cara and Carrie, they chose Cara mostly because my dad is Kerry.
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  • my name is Christie and if I was a boy it would have been Christian. My dad also threw out Celeste and I'm happy with their choice :)
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  • My name is Kacey Michelle.  I would've been Philip Luke had I been a boy.  The other girl name they considered was Ashtin, spelled this way.  I'm glad I wasn't named "ash tin."

    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • I was going to be Erin or Aaron. I don't know if it was easy or they really liked the name. My sister was supposed to be Bianca until the whole family talked them out of it!
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  • I was going to be named Jackson if I were a boy because my dad's name was Jack and he already had a son from a previous marriage named Jack Jr. Get it Jackon....Jack's son? If I was a girl then I was supposed to be named Jacqueline, but right before I was born, my mom's cousin passed away from cancer so my mom named me after her. Thank goodness because I hate the name Jacqueline, no offense.
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  • My parents were hoping for a girl all along.  They considered naming me Heather, then they considered Cornelia Marie after my grandmothers.  My father decided he loved the name Jessica, and I was named Jessica Marie.  Along with practically every other baby girl in 1984. 
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