Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

To invite or no?

DS just started a new home daycare 2 weeks ago. I am about to send out invitations for his birthday in 1 month. There are 3 kids that go to the daycare the same days that DS goes. Should we invite them to his party, even though we just started and I haven't met their parents? Theyre all older than DS, but only by 12-18 months. 

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Re: To invite or no?

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    I wouldn't. It may seem like you just want them to bring presents.
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    I wouldn't. It may seem like you just want them to bring presents.

    Thats what I thought. I just wanted to make sure. His teacher will post about his birthday in her newsletter so I didn't want them to think they got the shaft or anything.  

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    I wouldn't. It may seem like you just want them to bring presents.



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    I wouldn't. First you have never met the parents and don't know what type of people they are.  Second they probably wouldn't go anyways because of not knowing you.  Also I agree with the gift thing.  It will look like you just want gifts.  I would stay clear of that.  Unless you know them then that is different.  Maybe next year.
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    Why does the newsletter say you are having a birthday party? Thats weird IMO. Birthday okay but not party. I wouldnt assume that everyone has a birthday party each year thats more than immediate family
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    I wouldn't. It may seem like you just want them to bring presents.

    This. Maybe next year? 

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    Why does the newsletter say you are having a birthday party? Thats weird IMO. Birthday okay but not party. I wouldnt assume that everyone has a birthday party each year thats more than immediate family

    No no, I just meant she would put something in there about it being his bday, not about the party. Sorry.  

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