Houston Babies

Onesie month stickers

Hi ladies.

I know that most people have gotten the onesie month stickers from Etsy and/or pickysticky.

I was just wondering if there any available locally? My cousin's twins will be 1 month this coming Thursday, so I don't think I'd be able to order any in time.


Well-behaved women rarely make history.

BFP #1 ~ 4.29.11 | Blighted Ovum 6.2.11 | D&C 6.9.11
DX Unicornuate Uterus 4.12
BFP #2 ~ 10.12.12 | m/c 11.25.12 | D&C 2.8.13

BFP #3 ~ 12.11.13 | heartbeat ~12.20 :) | no heartbeat ~12.27 | D&C 1.6.14

BFP #4 ~ 7.20.14 | EDD 3.29.15 | heartbeat x2 eeek! ~ 8.4 | heard heartbeat-120 ~ 8.8 |

 11.6.14 Courtland Jeremiah & Landon Joseph born sleeping

Re: Onesie month stickers

  • You could make your own and print onto an iron on or sticker paper
  • I love the onesie stickers and belly stickers on this site. www.babyapeel.com. They use custom designs. Most other sellers use clip art. 
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  • I know a place that will sell the designs digitally that way you don't have to wait on shipping time.


    The stickers aren't listed as digital but I was able to order them digitally from them.


  • 1. Seeing as the kids are about 3 months old now you are way late to the party.

    2. All your posts are about these onesie stickers so I'm gathering that's your store. We don't like vendors on here so shoo.

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