Baby Names

You know people name their kids crazy things when..

I was at the park with my friend and 2 little girls came up and asked her sons name. She responeded "Sam" . Little girl #1 says "Thats a weird'd you come up with Sam?" and Little girl #2 says "I think once I heard of a dog named that...."

Naturally my friend sweetly asks "Whats your names?" #1 says "Zelia (Zee-lah)" and #2 says "Ariya (uh-rye-ah)"

I dont have anything personal against either of those names, I myself considered Tzili -- but when did a name like Sam become weird?

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Re: You know people name their kids crazy things when..

  • Something in the water? idk.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    PitaPata Cat tickers
  • I have found that a lot of younger kids (at least around me) have an issue with my DD's name...Holly. One asked if she could call her Halle instead, I asked her why she would do that, it's not her name. /sigh

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