Stay at Home Moms

My Dad: prostate cancer back and radiation didn't work...

I posted on here about 3 months ago about my Dad having had prostate cancer 4 years ago, his prostate removed, and it was now back.

He just went through 2 months of daily radiation. Test results back today and it did nothing. There is no difference. It didn't work.

His doctor said they'll check again in a month and go from there. My dad has a heavy French accent and has a hard time understanding fast-English when he's really stressed...and my mom is in Europe visiting family right now and couldn't be there with him, so my dad didn't really get a good understanding of what's going on and what this really means...

I don't really know why I'm posting, other then when I did last time, I got some encouraging words and personal experiences... I don't know what to think and I hate that I'm a 4 hour flight away and he's at home all alone right now. This really sucks. Cancer fvcking sucks.

CP 3/07
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14

Re: My Dad: prostate cancer back and radiation didn't work...

  • I am sorry about the situation! Have you thought about getting in the car when the kids are sleepy and visiting him this weekend to take his mind off of it since your mom isnt there? I would do that!

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  • imageKellyOsu23:

    I am sorry about the situation! Have you thought about getting in the car when the kids are sleepy and visiting him this weekend to take his mind off of it since your mom isnt there? I would do that!

    Thank you.
    It's a 4 hour flight, not car ride..otherwise I'd be on my way for sure! I did call my brother who lives near my parents and told him to go over there tonight. Sucky message to leave him..

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
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  • meglewmeglew member
    I am so sorry.  I don't have any personal experience to share, but wanted to let you know that you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
  • imagemeglew:
    I am so sorry.  I don't have any personal experience to share, but wanted to let you know that you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you. I appreciate that.

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in April of '09. It was the hardest thing to hear in my life. He fought and had all the radiation and chemo, but it metastasized into his brain. We lost him in Dec. of '09.

     I don't know what your Dad's situation is exactly, but the only advice I can give you is to spend as much time with him whether it is on the phone, via video chat, e-mail, text, real life visits. Whatever you can manage-do it. Fill his life with pictures and wonderful memories of you and your family.

    I miss my Dad every single day, and wish that he were still here to watch his grandkids grow, BUT I am glad that he does not have to suffer anymore. Luckily, he didn't have any pain (that I'm aware of), but the quality of life was not the best. It is a long, hard, very painful road for everyone to travel on, but please be brave for him, for your kids, and for yourself. He wouldn't want you to suffer and be miserable. Please just enjoy him and make sure that he knows how much he means to you.

     Good luck, you're in my prayers.

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  • imagescatteredtrees:

    I'm so sorry to read this, bim! :( Your family is in our prayers. Cancer sucks. Big time.

    Thank you.

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • imagemattlovesme2006:

    I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in April of '09. It was the hardest thing to hear in my life. He fought and had all the radiation and chemo, but it metastasized into his brain. We lost him in Dec. of '09.

     I don't know what your Dad's situation is exactly, but the only advice I can give you is to spend as much time with him whether it is on the phone, via video chat, e-mail, text, real life visits. Whatever you can manage-do it. Fill his life with pictures and wonderful memories of you and your family.

    I miss my Dad every single day, and wish that he were still here to watch his grandkids grow, BUT I am glad that he does not have to suffer anymore. Luckily, he didn't have any pain (that I'm aware of), but the quality of life was not the best. It is a long, hard, very painful road for everyone to travel on, but please be brave for him, for your kids, and for yourself. He wouldn't want you to suffer and be miserable. Please just enjoy him and make sure that he knows how much he means to you.

     Good luck, you're in my prayers.

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Thank you for your words and advice. My dad is a very private person and we haven't always had the closest relationship, but I know now is the time to work on that and grow our relationship to where we would want it, as well as give my girls every opportunity they can have to get to know their grandfather, just because...well, you never know what will happen.

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • Im so sorry:( My thoughts are with you and your family! - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I'm so sorry. My dad is going through some health issues currently... As a daughter can your dad authorize you to speak with his doctor so you can find out mOre over the phone? Many doctors are compassionate and would want to help especially with the language issue. T & Ps to you all.

    Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
  • I am so sorry you and your family are having to deal with this. Cancer does suck. Sending lots of  T & P's and big big hugs your way.
    TTC #1 since 4/2007... MFI (low motility/low Testosterone) & PCOS IVF #1 August 2010...BFP 1st sono shows TWINS!!!! Due May 23rd 2011 Ruptured @ 21 weeks (Jan 13) Delivered 26 weekers (Blake and Addison) on Valentine's Day... Keeping faith and praying, God has a plan and we just have to learn to follow. Our Blog ... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I'm so sorry, bim  Sad  I can imagine how hard it is being so far away and wanting to be there with him.  Cancer does suck.  Big time.
    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • I'm so sorry......
    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • My Dad was recently also diagnosed with prostate cancer.  He is having the micro-chip inserted as his is only a small spot.  I can't even imagine what you are going through.  I am sure it is just so scary, especially with him being by himself when he got the news.  Both of my father's brothers also had prostate cancer, one also had his prostate removed a few years ago.  I really hope they are able to eliminate your father's cancer.
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  • Thanks again so much for your kind words everyone! I spoke to a good friend of mine who is a radiologist and he went through and explained things to me in a way that made sense. I spoke to my dad again a few times and he seems to be coping better then the first time I talked to him. My youngest brother spent the weekend with him and my other brother is coming home tomorrow after being away all summer and will be spending most of his time with my dad until my mom gets home in a week.

    I think it was such a shock to hear the news of the test results. First shock was originally the cancer. Then you think having the prostate removed and it's taken care of. Then suddenly 4 years later it's back...wth?! Then you think, ok 2 months of radiation. It'll be fine. But it doesn't what. Thankfully my friend explained that there are a lot of other treatment options and that this isn't a death sentence. It helps to let things sink in and talk to people. Thanks again for letting me get this out!

    nsees, I'm sorry to hear about your dad's health problems.
    Lhyacinth888, I'm so sorry to hear your dad has prostate cancer as well.
    I will pray for both your dads and for a good and smooth recovery for both!

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
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