Baby Names


This name popped into my head after I was reading a "Carys" post.  My grandma's name was Theresa and although I thought it would be great to honor her by using her name, I feel like Theresa is outdated and her middle name was Yolanda, even worse.  But Therese sounds pretty and french rather than outdated, and Reese would be a "hip" nickname.  It is strong rather than cutesy.  It is not something popular that there would be 3 others with the same name in a graduating class, but it is not made up or misspelled, either.  Pronunciation might be an issue.  Opinions?
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Re: Therese

  • It's pretty but you're right about pronunciation. I don't know if it would be The-"reese" or The-Rhes? But if that doesn't bother you, go for it.
  • I like it!  It's a great full name with Reese as a nn.  I agree she might have pronunciation problems once in awhile with how close it is to Theresa, but I wouldn't think it would happen as often as some of the other names I see on here! 

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  • I like Therese.

    My only issue with it is people might hear it and think it is the popular boy's name Tyrese, like Tyrese Gibson.

  • This is my mom's name.  It is beautiful.

    EVERYONE mistakingly calls her Theresa.  Always.  Even people who she has known for a long time and corrected multiple times. 

    Of course, having a nn corrects that problem.

    Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
  • I have a friend named Therese, but it sounds like tuh-REZ.  So, not sure about the NN Reese.
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  • imageFeb3:
    I have a friend named Therese, but it sounds like tuh-REZ.  So, not sure about the NN Reese.

    Ditto the pronounciation, though I think the nn Reese could work.  Reecie is pretty common with it, too. 

    It's a gorgeous name!  St. Therese is a pretty popular saint to name little girls after in the church I attend, and was one of my grandfather's favorite saints.  If this baby were a girl, Therese would be on the short list for a middle name for sure.

    "I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing."

  • nah82nah82 member
    I have never known anyone with the name, so I am not really sure on the pronunciation myself, just assumed that it would sound like tah-rees, rhyme with Clarice.  From what I have seen on different name sites so far, it is pronounced differently depending on if the accents are used over the e's or not (which I would not be doing).
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  • I'm not getting "Reese" as a nn since I pronounce this Teh-rez, not Teh-reese.

    Anyway, I like it with the pronunciation I have in mind. With the -reese ending, it feels like the "a" is missing.

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  • My daughter is Teresa and we call her Tess.  I love Therese and would call her Tess instead of Reese.
  • I know one Therese in her mud 20s and she pronounces is TER-Reese. Whether it's the right pronunciation or not that's how her family pronounced it. I don't care for it.

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • imagenamcgee:
    I have never known anyone with the name, so I am not really sure on the pronunciation myself, just assumed that it would sound like tah-rees, rhyme with Clarice.  From what I have seen on different name sites so far, it is pronounced differently depending on if the accents are used over the e's or not (which I would not be doing).

    This is what I thought. I think it's beautiful 

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