This name popped into my head after I was reading a "Carys" post. My grandma's name was Theresa and although I thought it would be great to honor her by using her name, I feel like Theresa is outdated and her middle name was Yolanda, even worse. But Therese sounds pretty and french rather than outdated, and Reese would be a "hip" nickname. It is strong rather than cutesy. It is not something popular that there would be 3 others with the same name in a graduating class, but it is not made up or misspelled, either. Pronunciation might be an issue. Opinions?
Re: Therese
I like it! It's a great full name with Reese as a nn. I agree she might have pronunciation problems once in awhile with how close it is to Theresa, but I wouldn't think it would happen as often as some of the other names I see on here!
I like Therese.
My only issue with it is people might hear it and think it is the popular boy's name Tyrese, like Tyrese Gibson.
This is my mom's name. It is beautiful.
EVERYONE mistakingly calls her Theresa. Always. Even people who she has known for a long time and corrected multiple times.
Of course, having a nn corrects that problem.
Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
Ditto the pronounciation, though I think the nn Reese could work. Reecie is pretty common with it, too.
It's a gorgeous name! St. Therese is a pretty popular saint to name little girls after in the church I attend, and was one of my grandfather's favorite saints. If this baby were a girl, Therese would be on the short list for a middle name for sure.
I'm not getting "Reese" as a nn since I pronounce this Teh-rez, not Teh-reese.
Anyway, I like it with the pronunciation I have in mind. With the -reese ending, it feels like the "a" is missing.
This is what I thought. I think it's beautiful