I typically post on PAIF, but I'm hoping you ladies can help with some VBAC specific info.
Little background - my first pg was triplets, and I had a mandatory, scheduled c/s at 34wks5dys. All boys were perfect - they are now 6 yrs old.
This pg - it's a singleton and my OB is on board with a VBAC (even with my desire to go med free). The problem is, I'm passing my due date tomorrow, and I'm getting nervous that if this baby doesn't come on her own in a few days that I'm going to miss my opportunity.
Is an induction an automatic no-go for a VBAC? If not, how far past due should I ask for the induction? If I go too far, I'm afraid they'll talk me into another c/s.
Thanks for your insights!!!
Re: Passing my due date but want a VBAC
Each OB is different I think, but I think the majority is around 41 weeks. I am also due tomorrow with a desire for a VBAC. My OB told me if I can get to 2-3cm then she will "augment" my labor as in give me a little pitocin to see if it can get things further along. After the 6th, we will schedule a RCS.
At your next appointment talk to your OB about it and see what she says. If she is on board with you for a VBAC she will probably let you go till at least 41w.
It's possible to go to 42 weeks. You do not have to be induced and some doctors will NOT induce a vbac. Some will augment but not induce, and some will not even augment. Mine would not induce or augment labor with medicine. He would have stripped membranes, but I was so high and tight at 40wk, that wasn't possible. I had mine at 41wk2d and it was a successful vbac. I started out med free, but didn't make it very long, only about 7 hours into my hospital stay.
As of Tues (my last appt) I had no dilation, only 50% effaced. My next OB appt is on Wed (40 1/2 wks), and we're supposed to talk about options if I still haven't delivered at that point.
Have had lots of contract activity today, so I'm hoping she's making some progress and this becomes a non-issue. But, in case she doesn't come, I want to be prepared with what to ask/review with my doc.
The input so far has been very helpful!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
...Couldn't agree more.
I started the NSTs and had an ultrasound this week as I too am past my due date and trying for a VBAC. The best thing I can share, and that waaaaay too many hours of research has taught me is that there is no difference in uterine rupture rates from 39-42 weeks if you are allowed to spontaneously allowed to go into labor,... oh, and unfortunately in this summer heat a full term baby is up to 42 weeks! Your due date is just an estimate and induction dramatically reduces the % for a successful VBAC.
That said....please know that I'm driving myself nuts right now too, so know you're not alone:) But all I keep repeating to myself is that if one my goals is to deliver naturally, and there is no medical reason to intervene, than it's best to let my body and baby decide.
I totally agree with you. I am willing to hold out. Unfortunately, because my LO is an IVF baby, my due date is not an estimate. The exact date of egg retrieval (ovulation) and fertilization is known, so they are sticking to it. The standard at my hospital is 41 weeks. I have an NST on Monday, and then an OB appt on Wednesday, at which time I'm going to have a discussion with my OB now that I have so much more information.
I have no info to help you in regards to how far past your due date you can go, but I wanted to see if you had considered or tried anything else to get your labor going on your own?
I am working with a doula, and I will be doing everything I possibly can to go into labor on my own. I really, really don't want to do an induction. My doula mentioned massage techniques, reflexology, acupuncture, and even scented oils to stimulate labor. I will be trying any and all of those things if I need to once my due date gets closer in order to avoid an induction or RCS.
Just thought I would mention that to you in case you hadn't considered trying something already.