My nephew posted a FB video of him doing this. Everyone is commenting "how cute", "so sweet", "she loves it". Am I the only one going OMG, what are you thinking???? So hard to bite the tongue. I want to say something so bad, so I am posting on here instead.
Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08
Re: Can I give ice cream to a 3 month old???
Yeah, I was never that relaxed about giving my kids things like that that young. Then, again, both of my kids had severe stomach issues and intolerances (incl. dairy), so I wouldn't have even thought about it.
I guess I can see a taste or two, but almost a whole cone?! That's crazy...she could be in some serious stomach pain later.
I agree with a prev. poster about not liking it when people give kids certain foods just for the really bothers me whenever I see parents giving toddlers tastes of their beer. It's not cute and it's not responsible and it really drives me crazy.
I have a 3 month old and there is no way that i would do that! Most babies haven;t even had their first solids yet at that point. Also,cow's milk and refined sugar are very hard on a baby's stomach. I probably would have asked if the baby ended up with a tummy ache
This. There's a reason babies don't eat solid food until 6m & I really get irritated by people who give infants solid foods just for the fun of it. Is it the end of the world? Probably not, but I think its obnoxious & selfish on the parts of the adults. What purpose does it serve except to amuse the grown ups? Ugh.