Trouble TTC


Hi, I've been lurking for a little while and I am hoping to join your community. I think it would be really helpful for me to talk to some women who are going through similar things.  My name is Kristina and I'll be 33 in September, DH is 38. We have been TTC for a little over a year and just had our first appt with an RE on Tuesday. They were able to do the sperm analysis right that day, and then I went in for my CD3 bloodwork on Weds. So we are eagerly awaiting the results! I'm only on my second month charting (I wish I had started earlier). I'm sorry I just put my ticker in my sig - I'm sorry it doesn't seem to be quite working yet though - any suggestions on that are welcome! Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Me - 35. DH - 40. TTC #1 since 9/2010. 
IUI #1-2 BFN
IUI #3 BFP = C/P
IUI #4-6 BFNs
IVF #1 Lupron and Gonal F: 29R 29M 28F
2 blastocysts transferred 12/14/13
Beta at 9dp5dt = 285; Beta at 12dp5dt = 925
It's twins! EDD 9/2/14

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Re: Intro

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    Welcome!  I hope you get some answers soon. 

    Good luck!

    TTC since 2010

    lots of IUIs and 1 IVF all BFNs

    FET currently on hold

    photo guiness-1.jpg

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    Also I love the conehead cat.  My cat has spent more time than I care to admit in a cone.  It is both the cutest and saddest thing

    TTC since 2010

    lots of IUIs and 1 IVF all BFNs

    FET currently on hold

    photo guiness-1.jpg

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    Welcome and Good Luck. I just came over to this board after being dx with PCOS and the ladies here are wonderful.
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    Welcome. I hope you get some answers soon (or better yet, a BFP).

    And, I have to agree about the cat. The cone of shame is one of the cutest, most pitiful things ever.

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    Thanks for the welcomes!!!

     Yes, the cone is so sad and yet so hilarious. He kept bumping into everything. The other cat was totally giving him the side-eye.

    Me - 35. DH - 40. TTC #1 since 9/2010. 
    IUI #1-2 BFN
    IUI #3 BFP = C/P
    IUI #4-6 BFNs
    IVF #1 Lupron and Gonal F: 29R 29M 28F
    2 blastocysts transferred 12/14/13
    Beta at 9dp5dt = 285; Beta at 12dp5dt = 925
    It's twins! EDD 9/2/14

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    Welcome! Home your stay here is short & GL!
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    Good Luck hopefully youll get some answers and your stay will be short.
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    Welcome to the board.  I hope your testing brings you answers and you can set up a plan that works for you and YH.
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    Welcome & Good Luck!

     Love the pic of that cat :)

    Me-Diagnosed With PCOS - Hubby-Has Super Swimmers :)
    TTC#1 Since March 2011
    March/April 2011 - 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFN
    May 2011 & June 2011 - 150mg Clomid = No Response
    July 2011 - Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI#1(8/1/11)= BFN
    August 2011 - Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI#2 (8/30/11)=BFN
    October 2011 - Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI#3 (10/23/11) = BFP!!
    Beta#1(11/7/11)=250 Beta#2(11/9/11)=487 Beta#3(11/17/11)=6500

    BabyFetus Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    Welcome, I hope you get some answers soon!

     I have to agree, your furbaby is very cute.  The conehead pic made me smile

    TTC #1 since 06/2010 
    Diagnosed with PCOS 6/2011, uterine septum resection 4/2012 
    After 4 miscarriages, Clomid and TI brought us our beautiful baby girl on 8/14/13! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Ms H13Ms H13 member
    Welcome to the board.  I hope you get answers and a plan soon, and that your stay here is short.  GL!
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    Thanks for everyone's kind words. I did just get an email from my RE saying that they have the prelim results for MH's SA - he said that count and motility looked fine but "There was a suggestion of sperm quality problem which is the aspect of the test referred to as morphology" so I am going to do some research on what this means. If anyone has any experience with this or could suggest a resource that would be great. I know I probably shouldn't obsess about it until we talk to him and get some hard information, but I don't think I'll be able to help it. I hope my husband is not too upset by this news. Apparently my CD3 b/w is not back yet.
    Me - 35. DH - 40. TTC #1 since 9/2010. 
    IUI #1-2 BFN
    IUI #3 BFP = C/P
    IUI #4-6 BFNs
    IVF #1 Lupron and Gonal F: 29R 29M 28F
    2 blastocysts transferred 12/14/13
    Beta at 9dp5dt = 285; Beta at 12dp5dt = 925
    It's twins! EDD 9/2/14

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    Welcome! Hope your stay here is short. Best of luck!

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    Welcome! Hope you get some answers soon and that your test results come back all clear
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