I'm trying to decide between moving ds to a high back booster occasionally or get another car seat.
Right now he is in the evenflo symphony 65. I'm living with my parents for 6 months while dh is deployed and so I need another car seat or something for my moms car so we dont have to switch seats all the time.
I'm not sure about the pros and cons of the booster things. Obviously they are cheaper. But ds needs to be in something for a long time, so...what to do.
Re: what carseat do you have your 3 yr old in?
At three my guys were in their Radian 65's. We recently moved them to Recaro boosters but had to wait until they hit 40 lbs. and a certain height (I forget what the minimum was).
I prefer the Radians but they are hard for us to move between my car and DH's. The boosters are a breeze in that regard.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
3 is really young to move to a booster and their pelvic bones aren't really properly developed to hold them adequately in a crash without the crotch strap at that age. My daughter is in a radian 65 and will be for a while yet.
I would suggest an evelflo maestro for now. It's $80 and you can get a coupon for it on evenflo's website. It will harness to 18 torso inches then becomes a high back booster. You'll eventually need a dedicated booster as it's outgrown as a booster fairly quickly after the harness is outgrown, but it will get him to a safe booster age first.
The other great options (at higher price points) are graco nautilus (also 18 inch top harness slots, becomes high back booster and backless booster), recaro prosport (not sure all the info on it, but everyone I know with one loves it) and britax frontier (20 inch harness straps, becomes the tallest high back booster on the market and will safely get him to a size that he can just use the adult seatbelt, bypassing the backless booster altogether).
Both boys are in the Evenflo Triumph Advance but DS1 is reaching the max weight on it so we are buying the Britax Frontier. It has a 5-pt harness up to 80lbs and converts to a booster up to 120lbs. I'm definitely not comfortable with him in a booster yet, way too young.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
Cosco Scenera. She has nine pounds to go before she outgrows it weight-wise. I think we'll go with a Radian next because it folds and we travel a lot by train, so that would be helpful.
The Graco Nautilus and the Britax Frontier are great five point harness booster seats.
My DD is in a Britax Frontier. She has a Graco Nautilus in my mom's car.
I bought the Frontier last winter when my DS moved from his infant seat into the convertible. Instead of buying a 2nd convertible I decided to go this route. I still wanted her in a 5 pt. harness, but eventually (a long while from now) it turns into a high back booster, and finally just a booster. It will hopefully be the last seat she ever needs, since the expiration is in 6 years.
DS just turned 3. He is about 36 lbs and tall. We moved him from a Britax Blvd to a Britax Frontier. I like the Frontier because he can be harnessed for the longest amount of time. It has a high shell back and very adjustable crotch strap so he has lots of room to grow. He is very comfortable in this seat. If you get a Frontier, avoid the mesh material since it snags easily. We have it in Onyx which uses sturdier material.
FYI, I heard that Graco is coming out with an updated Nautilus called Argos (or something like that) in the fall. That may effect prices, so wanted to let you know. I have lots of friends who use the Nautilus.
DD1 is in a Britax Marathon in my car, where she rides 98% of the time.
She's in a Roundabout 50 in DH's car, which is rarely. She's still got one notch in the shoulder straps before she outgrows the height limit, and at least 15 pounds before she outgrows the weight.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010