Trouble TTC


Good luck today on your interview! I hope you get it!!!!!!

Re: mwlove

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    Thanks pulga!  How did the Praxis go?
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    I hope I passed. It was easier in some parts than the practice test, but there was a speaking part of the test. So like 30 people in one room all talking into their computers in different languages- MAJORLY distracting. At one point I was on reading comprehension and others were on speaking and I couldn't really pay attention to what I was reading. That stunk. So glad to have it out of the way though.

    How was your interview? 

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    I'm sure you passed and all your studying paid off!  Wow - I can't believe they had it set up like that - how distracting!  Now you'll be able to relax and enjoy the rest of summer without studying - yay!

    The interview went well.   But I found out last night that a lady was offered one of the jobs right on the spot earlier in the day. (I knew the lady from working with her my first year of teaching.)  The job she got was the one I was going for the most because the other two require me to go back to school to get another endorsement, which is fine I just am not as prepared to teach them.

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    oh no... well I really hope you get it. Did they say when they would tell you?
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    Wednesday or after is when they said they would call either way. 
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