Anyone do acupuncture/moxa?

I heard that moxibustion can help if you have a breech baby and want it to turn vertex prior to delivery.

So I called my acupuncturist (who I saw weekly when TTC and up until 16 wks pg) and she said it's most successful before 35 weeks pg. I made an appt. next week (I'll be halfway through my 30th week) to do the moxa treatment.

Anyone had success with this? It's crucial with my OB that my baby is vertex heading into a VBAC so I am trying to get my breech baby to turn heads down.


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Re: Anyone do acupuncture/moxa?

  • I tried both of those methods and saw a chiropractor with no success. I found out she was breech at 36 weeks and at that end of the week had an external version scheduled. She broke my water hours before my appointment. GL


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