DS is 6 and although he wont shampoo his hair he will wash himself and likes to play in the tub. I cant get all 3 in the tub anymore plus I think its time they dont bathe together anyways.
Would you leave a 6yr old in the tub if he were only sitting and splashing? He knows not to stand and understands why. I would be in the girls room or downstairs but would check on him several times.
Re: What age to let bathe alone?
Since he was 3 yr old, I let him play in the tub or shower for 5 minutes (after I help him wash) while I fold laundry in the next room.
This. Maybe even late 2s. Shhh. Don't tell the nesties!
I know if it gets quiet there is a problem.
Tucker is 4 and only recently have I let him play in the tub alone for a few minutes while I get Cooper dressed. But I'm in the bedroom and can see him the entire time.
He knows not to stand up.
This is one thing I am paranoid about. I'm sure he would do just fine, but I wouldn't leave the room while he's in the tub. But that's me.
Great! L begged me to play in the tub "for all day until lunch" 2 days ago so I let him play for about 25mins while the girls and I cleaned up their room down the hall. I checked on him regularly but every time I went in he would say "Im fine mom (when did I become mom) what do you need?" lol He was getting tired of me checking in. :P
Now there is no way I could leave the girls in the tub alone. They get too riled up together and would end up falling or something.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
DS just started taking showers all alone w/o needing any help. I'd say it's taken us a year to get there. DD showers alone, but needs lots of help. The bath is trickier IMO b/c of the having to rinse your hair out thing. But, I would have no qualms about leaving my 4 or almost 6 y/o alone in the tub now. I'm not leaving the house or getting involved in something on the 1st floor, but I go fold laundry in my room or put clothes away while they're in there.
Ethan prefers showers to baths, and has showered alone for at least a year, I think. He's 5.5. He washes his hair and everything, and really tends to do a good job getting clean. On the occasion that he wants to take a bath, I give him his privacy. The only stipulation is that he answer me when I call and check on him, or I will come in to check on him.
I still don't trust Bella alone, but really, she never bathes alone...she bathes with Maile and I certainly don't trust her to be alone.