BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
Happy birthday and congrats!! Can't wait to see pics!
married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
IVF#1 May 2011
15 Eggs Retrieved, 11 Fertilized using ICSI
+ HPT on 6/9/11 Beta #1 420 Beta #2 2167 US 7/1 TWINS!! Due 2/18/2012
Brooke and Nora born at 35.6 weeks Jan 20th 2012
It is amazing that it's been a year-crazy actually. It honestly seems that it was yesterday that many of us were just miserable ready for it to be over. Hudson and Landry turn one on Wednesday.
Happy Birthday!!!!
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Happy Birthday to your precious little ones! Hope you all have a fabulous time at their party tomorrow! Ours turn one next Thurs, and I can't believe it either. Congrats to you & DH for surviving!!!
TTC #1 since 6/07, Dx = Ovulatory dysfunction, DOR, and autoimmune issues ~
4 Clomid cycles, 1 Femara Cycle, 6 Injectible IUI cycles~
4 Chemical PG's ~
IVF #1 Dec '09 = BFP!! Beta 8dp3dt = 68 10dp3dt = 276 16dp3dt = 1511 ~
First U/S 1/14 = 3 Heartbeats!!!
Lost Baby C at 8w5d
Emergency Cerclage at 22wks saved our babies lives
Awww congrats! I don't come around much since mine were born but happend to stop by today! Mine turn 1 in a couple of weeks and I can't believe it's been a year already. Before we know they'll be graduating college!
Happy 1st birthday E&R babies!! Congrats on surviving Momma! Have a great time at the party tomorrow and you don't have to twist my arm to get me to eat a cupcake -- consider it done!
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Re: AW: They're one today!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
happy 1st birthday, babies!
congratulations to you and your husband for having survived that difficult first year!
Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
Happy birthday!
It is amazing that it's been a year-crazy actually. It honestly seems that it was yesterday that many of us were just miserable ready for it to be over. Hudson and Landry turn one on Wednesday.
Happy Birthday!!!!