Another person posted a few days ago that their ob didn't realized the baby was breech until after breaking her water. The same thing happened to me. I didn't think much of it, because baby was already dropped to station 0, so they couldn't flip her anyways.
How big of an oversight is this by my ob. I really like him, and he seems really supportive of a vbac. We plan on ttc in just a few months, and now I am wondering if I should consider looking for someone new. But I also think I am emotional right now and over reacting. On the other hand, I now know what a breech baby feels like, so I would probably know, to tell him.
Re: Concerned after reading someone else's post (about Breech baby)
Just going by feel - I don't think it's a huge oversight. Think about the good old days - before ultrasound - when a Mom would give birth to her baby and the doctor would say "looks like we've got another one in there."
If you like him on all other aspects, I don't think this would be a deal breaker for me. But you should bring it up to him, if you're really concerned. See how he reacts.
Thanks for the reassurance. I do really like the office, like today, I called because my birth control is making me sick, and apparently he was out, so the receptionist called another dr.'s office for me. She didn't have to, I was fine waiting until monday.
And I think I was just freaking out yesterday, I have been fighting with the anesthisia office, and my sil is about to have her baby, and they are already talking cs, so I am worried for her.