Trouble TTC

Yey!!! (not BFP)

I have my post-op appt tomorrow morning and they will be taking the uterine stent out finally.  That means DH and I can finally get back to BDing!  After 10 days I'm really excited, although we leave on a mission trip with a bunch of high schoolers on Sunday morning, so there goes another week of BDing, but I guess we'll just have to take advantage of the day and a half that we have in between. 

I'm not sure how long until the RE will let us start trying again, but hopefully it won't be too long. I'm hoping he'll let us know at our appt. Also, I think we will be talking about our next steps, and I'm just praying that the surgery wasn't too expensive (we haven't gotten the bill yet),  and that we won't have to wait too long to afford treatments if the next step is IUI or whatnot.

Married Sept 13, 2009
TTC since Jan 2010
Diagnosed w/ PCOS Oct 2010
1500mg metformin
SA 05/25/11 morphology @ 10%
HSG 06/02/11, tubes were clear, uterine septum discovered
06/30/11 Hysteroscopy, found a polyp blocking R fallopian tube
07/20/11 Successful surgery to remove polyp and uterine septum!
Sept/Oct cycle-Femara IUI turned into TI cycle= cancelled due to unresponsive follies
09/28/11: dx w/ MTHFR (cc)
10/22/11: IUI #1 w/ Femara + Menopur + trigger+ diluted hcg shots= BFN :-(
03/25/12: IUI #2 w/ Femara + Menopur + trigger+progesterone= BFN
Starting to pursue adoption

Re: Yey!!! (not BFP)

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