Trouble TTC


Just to make you smile. Luff you Right Hug


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Re: {//*//Mdiblasi//*//}

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    bahahahaha! That totally made my day!! Thank you, sweets :) Luff you too <3 p.s. I framed your gorgeous photo, just need to get the Mr. to hang it up!
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility

    TTC #1 
    IUI's #1 - #3 Clomid = BFN's, IUI #4 Follistim = BFP
    Grayson arrived via emergency c-section on 7/28/12!

    TTC #2 
    IUI's #1 - #4 Follistim = BFN's
    IVF #1 w/ ICSI + PGS: Lupron/Follistim/Menopur
    ER 4/13 - 19R, 13F, 4 PGS tested embryos, 1 normal
    5/14 FET: BFP. Beta #1: 123, Beta #2: 327, Beta #3: 854
    Cora arrived 1/23/15 via RCS!
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    bahahahaha! That totally made my day!! Thank you, sweets :) Luff you too <3 p.s. I framed your gorgeous photo, just need to get the Mr. to hang it up!

    Mission accomplished Wink Awww I'm so glad to hear that it's framed, totally makes me have a big cheesy smile lol 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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