I'm not og yet but was wondering. My first was induced at 40 weeks and ended up in a c/s. the baby was really high -- never came down and was measuring big. He was 9 lbs.
I debated a vbac unitl 40 weeks with ds #2. BUt at 40 weeks I had made ZERO progress --nothing baby hadn't even started to drop and was measuring big. dr didn't want me to wait another 1-2 weeks and to find myself with a long hard labor only to end up with a c/s agin because he was big. ds was 9 1/2 lbs.
SO i make big babies and have never gone into labor on my own or even had my body show any signs of getting ready to go. I see people on here want there dr to let them go until 41-42 weeks but what would happen if my baby grew to ike 11 pounds by then??
Re: do you think I would be good to vba2c?
There are lots of women who have birthed large babies. I was very similar to you - waited until 41wks5days before having a 60 hour failed induction and eventual c-section. Baby never dropped, no dilation, never went into labor on my own.
I like to think that we're still good candidates. I plan to stack the odds in my favor by starting natural induction techniques early - getting accupuncture, visiting a chiropractor, walking, sleeping sitting up, tea, oil, nipple stim.... you name, I plan to do it. I will also have a doula because I don't believe any of the "big baby bologna" that comes out of these practitioner's mouths.
Here's some encouragement.....