Is your LO high maintenance? My dd is the complete opposite of how ds was. Ds was easily amused and to entertain. If you put him in the bouncer, swing or whatever he'd play, nap etc but dd nope. Ds was also a pretty easy and laid back as a baby. Dd is the complete opposite everything seems to be a struggle. She cries nonstop or so it it seems. Sometimes even if you've changed, fed etc her she'll carry on and I'll just have to wait it out. Some days I feel like such a baby Mommy cause I let her cry especially when I have tried all the above and she's still crying when I don't know what else to do or is wrong. Today has been one of those days the only time she's been quiet was when she has been eating and nap don't get me started we've been up since 6 am and she's napped maybe 10-15 minutes and it's going on quarter to 12. Am I alone?
Re: Am I being punished?
That's what I was thinking but her ped said she was fine just higher maintenance compared to her brother.
If she has the other reflux symptoms (arching back, crying during/after feedings, sour breath), I'd push the issue and try to get a barium swallow study done - that'll show you whether she's refluxing or not. If she doesn't have those symptoms and she's just fussy, I think you'll just have to hang in there and wait it out. You aren't being punished - just remember it's only a phase and it will pass.
Both my kids were like that. My first would cry 9 hours a day. That was brutal. Nothing ever made him happy. My second was a little "easier" in that he was happy as long as he was held...but I also had a 16 month old to take care of, so holding him 24/7 wasnt so easy.
I promise you are not being punished and it will get better. Just hang in there!! Good luck!
I had the high maintenance one first and the easier one that helped a lot. I would try meds for reflux for 2 wks and see. It could help. We did that with DS and it didnt, so we knew he didnt have reflux, but he had major gas from my overactive letdown. Once my supply leveled, he was better. BUT he was a sensitive kid and still is. He was also very gassy and massage helped calm him.
I hope it gets better for you soon! I second the carrier thing, even if she fights it at first, get her in and move and see how she does.