Because I honestly do not know...Dula/Midwife/Other

I've never had any of these things, don't know anyone who has that I can ask.

I've heard people kick these terms around plus another term that I can't quite remember.  

I'm pretty certain I understand what a midwife is/does....but a dula is more just another person in the room with you who runs interference when necessary on your behalf.  Is that correct?  

I'm going to be fighting for a VBAC (I posted before...our state is now currently listed #1 in the country for likelihood of c-section for *any* woman...VBACs are not allowed in many of my city's hospitals, and doctors who are willing to start off saying yes to VBACs have reputations to switching up at the end, according to the chatter on local ICAN boards).  

DH has a cousin (our age) whose mother should have really had a c-section.  He was brain damaged as a result and DH is crazy not supportive as I need him to be in fighting for me to avoid C-section.  I'm trying to assure him that if it is medically necessary that I of course will have one.  The problem I'm running into, personally, is how paranoid will I be at wondering if something is medically necessary and how much of it is just the track they'll put me on because of my age (41)...At 17 weeks, during my a/s, I was told that they'd schedule me 2 weeks before due date (casually just dropped that).

Also, in my state, a VBAC is illegal for Birthing Centers....so my options are finding a hospital and forcing my way into not having a c-section without the full support of my husband or the full trust in my own ability to discern, or to have a Home Birth...which, honestly, neither my husband or I feel comfortable with (I'd rather be safe than sorry, basically..I'm not anti-hospital....and DH has only heard from very militant anti-hospital home birthers, and instead of encouraging an open mind, they really did a number against it).  

Would a dula be someone who could help me with the discernment and being a barrier between myself and doctors/hospitals just storming full-speed ahead?  

Is there any other form of support you can educate me on?

Thanks SO much! 

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Re: Because I honestly do not know...Dula/Midwife/Other

  • I would start by reaching out to your local ICAN chapter.  They will be able to help you find a provider who can work with you.  You might also want to attend a meeting and talk to other Moms who have been through this or are going through it now.

    You should also review the types of midwives.  Here are some definitions.... https://www.americanpregnancy.org/labornbirth/midwives.html

    A doula would be like your sister - but educated about birth.  She'll massage your back, walk you around, help fulfill your birth plan, answer your questions, etc.  You want to find one who you really feel comfortable with.


    As for DH, I would try to slowly win his heart with facts and confidence.  That's how I'm planning to win mine over.


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  • imagechavayjakov:

    Would a dula be someone who could help me with the discernment and being a barrier between myself and doctors/hospitals just storming full-speed ahead?  

    Yes!  I think you would really benefit from a doula in your situation.

    I replied to you in another post, but elective deliveries before 39 weeks put your baby's health at risk.  I think you should really put your foot down about no c/s until at least 39 weeks (and hopefully no c/s at all!!).

    GL and keep us posted! 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • I dont think that midwives can deliver VBAC. It has to be done by a OB, or is that way in Ohio.  I was recently transfered from my midwife to an ob for this reason.

    As far as your birth goes, finding the right doctor is crucial. I would explore docs that support natural birth in hospitals. They are versed in the warning signs of real problems vs. "I need to get home so lets do a CS".

    Keep in mind this is your body and your baby not the hospitals!

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  • I agree with cchill, check out your local ICAN chapter.  If there isn't one, check out the finding your tribe forum on mothering.com.  There are usually a number of women on there who have recommendations on potential OBs.  You can also look into seeing if there are any CNMs in your area that do VBACs.  They are hospital-based so there is that added level of comfort.

     Another thing I would suggest is to look at a copy of your medical records from your c/s.  Is there a reason why VBAC is off the table for you?  Have you discussed with your OB if you would be a good candidate? 

    Regarding your own fears and your husbands.  I would try to get as educated as possible about the risks of RCS vs. VBAC.  There have been a number of conversations on this board about it.  Someone posted this the other day, I think that it is really useful.  


    If you do find a provider who is willing to do a VBAC, I would definitely suggest hiring a doula.  I didn't have one with my first, but I plan on having one the next time around.  They cannot make decisions for you, but they can help to provide that extra level of support when the time comes to make decisions.  They can even go with you to appointments with the OB so that you have someone holding your hand.

    Finally, I mentioned this before- unless there is a medical reason for a 38 week c/s, I would encourage you to get it scheduled for a time closer to your due date.  Again, this is a conversation that I would have with your OB rather then strangers on the internet, but know that there could be risks with giving birth to a late-term premie.  I know that the risk of stillbirth does go up past 37 weeks, but don't think that there is enough evidence to support a 38 week delivery except in cases where there is a medical indication for the mother or the baby.

     It isn't fair that something that you are forced to fight this battle while you are pregnant.  Good luck with everything and please keep us updated.  I'm hoping for the best for you and your little one!


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