
Do you use Baby Orajel for teething pain???

Did not use it on my first son but my 2nd. seems to be bothered by teething a bit more.  He is only 5 mos. and I can't see any areas to specifically apply Orajel.  Can I still use it and would you recommend it/not recommend it?

Re: Do you use Baby Orajel for teething pain???

  • Our pedi recommended NOT using any of that stuff for teething pain.  I guess some tylenol if you know it is from teething, otherwise I would give him a teething ring to help with the pain.
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  • We used it for my DS when he was teething 1-1/2 to 2 years ago. It seemed to help him. Although I'm curious why the pp's pedi recommended not using it. What's the reason??
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  • I've read that it's not good for babies b/c they can't feel the saliva in their mouth and could potentially choke (can't feel b/c they are numb).  I don't know how true it is but I don't use it simply b/c it's disgusting, even the flavored one.

    I use teething tablets and Motrin. 

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • Honestly I don't have a clue why she recommended not using it.  I feel kind of stupid but i asked at one appointment and she said that and I was so shocked by her answer i forget to question why.  I "think" it has something to do with the fact that it can numb their tongue and possibly cause choking.  I think this more pertains to night time though. 
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  • I used it a few times, the q-tip type.  It worked when she was having a total crisis from the pain.  Otherwise, I would just use tylenol.
  • I tried baby orajel on my daughter a couple years ago and she screamed when I first put it on.  I tried it on myself and it actually stung a little before the numbness kicked in.  So I never used it since.  I actually use the Hylands Teething Tablets on both girls and I absolutely recommend it. 
  • I've heard not to use it b/c it numbs their throat and they can choke on all that slobber.?


    We use teething tablets, motrin if necessary. ?A cold/frozen washcloth works well and so does chewy toys.?

  • We've used it several times. I use the premeasured qtip applicator. I heard that about the choking part but scoured the internet and couldn't find any reports of it ever actually happening. The biggest concern seemed to be that it *might* happen if parents used too much or too often. I figured the premeasured qtip used once a day (and with careful monitoring afterwards) was fine.
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  • Yes but usually tylenol is our first line of defense

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  • I've heard that it can harden the gums and actually make teething harder. We use teething tablets and/or Motrin.
  • I did with my first child but when our baby has teething pain (rare for now) we use the tablets.
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