March 2012 Moms

Random cleaning?!?!?!

Okay so I am starving, but all of a sudden feel better.  I popped dinner in the oven for me (DH isn't here) and cleaned the kitchen top to bottom- stomach growling and all.  I am only 8 weeks, but I wonder if I am a little farther along than I thought.  First u/s Aug 8.   I don't really want a February surprise, but anything healthy will be great. 

Re: Random cleaning?!?!?!

  • I'm also 8 weeks.  Before I got dated by the doctor I thought the same thing, my m/s came and went quickly.

    Don't worry, you are probably where you think and your body is just adjusting well.

    photo regina_zpsee0752b3.gif


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    BFP #1 mm/c at 12w1d

  • jrcr07jrcr07 member
    After being exhausted for the last week and not able to do anything I surprised myself this afternoon. I cleaned the kitchen, baked cookies, gave the dog a bath, did laundry, paid bills, and finished my online exam for grad school.  This was after spending the morning fighting nausea.....haha....who knows wherer these mood changes come from!   I have a feeling I'll spend most of tomorrow on the couch...can't expect two good days in a row!! Smile 
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  • I am currently taking a break from cleaning the ENTIRE house because my crazy brain decided that it's the house that's making me nauseous. My m/s went away while we were on vacation for a week, so I decided it was the smell of the house that was making me sick. Irrational? Maybe. But as I told MH who pointed out how crazy I sounded, there are a lot worse things I could be channeling my craziness towards. Smile
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  • That is too funny! You were very productive! My poor husband has had to work his side job (we are both teachers off for the summer) plus keep up with cooking and cleaning the house.  Aside from cleaning the kitchen today, I haven't lifted a finger in 3 weeks! He bathed the dogs which is something he swore he'd never do! I can't wait to start permanently feeling better! :) 
  • My house makes me nauseous too.  When Im away I can tolerate smells better and actually eat! this in my head??
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  • imagechrissc34:
    My house makes me nauseous too.  When Im away I can tolerate smells better and actually eat! this in my head??

    Ugh, I'm so glad I'm am not the only one feeling like this! I feel like it's all in my head too, but this morning I went out to grab some food and started eating in the car on the way home. Literally as soon as I walked in the door the food didn't taste as good anymore. I feel like to anyone who is not pregnant it sounds completely insane and made up...

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  • I have been so sick the last 2 weeks I just come home and lay on the couch. Today I hit 8 weeks and got a cleaning mood as well. Just finished the kitchen and the family room, and now moving into other rooms.


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