Baby Names

Oscar is going to have a little brother... please vote!

We just found out the sex of our lil one and it's another boy!  Which is great... but... we didn't have any boy names picked out!  It's so hard for us to find a name that can top or compete with Oscar. 

We were absolutely in love with Oscar as a name and didn't have any other boy name picked out.  Based on our selections, I think our naming style falls under the 1880s/vintage/yuppy/British/grandpa chic category.

My favourite names are:  Henry, Elliott, Charlie, Everett, Hugo and William.

My hubby's faves are:  Henry, Elliott, Charlie, Walter, Harrison and Archie .

Our last name is similar to Cherouak so I'm not sure if we can use Archie or Charlie based on the double 'ch' sound. 



Re: Oscar is going to have a little brother... please vote!

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