I current have 2 Thirsties Diaper Duffels that I rotate in our diaper bag. But now that DS is on more solids, and Alimentum makes his poop stink, I'm looking for a zippered wetbag. At home we use a Planetwise large wetbag, and I'm considering a medium, but am wondering if there are any other recommendations out there.
What wetbag do you use when out and about??
Re: What wetbag is in your diaper bag?
Monkey Foot Designs. Only wetbag I will buy from now on. I have 4 other brands but hers are the best.
I actually use the large wetbag and in it, I keep a changing pad, diapers, covers, a medium wetbag for dirty diapers, a small wetbag for wipes, spray bottle with solution and extra snappi. I have 2 of the large wetbags that I rotate when we're out so I don't ever have to worry about restocking them since I keep them in the car and then take one in if I have used it to restock.
These cheap ones work great for us.
They will hold about 4 pocket diapers. More prefolds of course though.