Cloth Diapering


On 7/20 I paid a mama for 2 CDs via PayPal. The tracking info says,
"Delivered, July 20, 2011, 5:38 pm, MERIDIAN, ID 83642.
Electronic Shipping Info Received, July 20, 2011"

She lives in ID, not me... and not sure why it says delivered the same day she printed the label and shipped the item?

Anyhow, I just went to the site I bought it from her on, and she hasn't been on since 7/23. I PMed her to ask her what might be going on.

How long should I give for a response before opening a PP dispute? I've never had any issues before like this that have concerned me.

Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015


  • I had to do a paypal dispute a while back and it wasn't a big deal.  Basically the seller gets an email saying why you are not happy and they have x number of days to fix the problem or it will escalate.  If the problem is not fixed then you can go about filing for your money back or whatever you want to do.  Usually it just encourages the seller to get the item sent.  I would give her until tomorrow to answer back and then file a dispute.  That is a very odd shipping notice!  I wonder if she mislabeled the package?  Good luck!
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  • tlxh7tlxh7 member
    I would probably give her 24 hours from the first PM, then send another PM saying, "I haven't heard from you and am really concerned.  If I haven't heard from you within 24 hours, I will be opening a PP dispute."
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