I posted a few weeks ago that my medical records were pretty depressing (it says I had a uterine window as well as a single layer closure). Well, I gave those records to my OB today and he thinks it's safer for me to have another RCS. He is a very vbac friendly doc and I could tell he was upset to say this.
He said I can be closely monitored starting at 32 weeks to check on the uterine window and possible an MRI to see if the lus (lower uterine segement) is thick enough to withstand a TOL.
Ugh, I'm so discouraged. I'll obviously do what is safest for both the baby and I but I really, REALLY wanted this VBA2C. Sorry to rant, no one else understand how upsetting it is.
Re: Looks like my VBA2C is no go
I remember your post from a few weeks ago and I'm sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for. I totally understand how important a VBAC is to you.
It is interesting what the OB said about the thickness of the LUS. I read a study once about 3.5mm being an important threshold regarding a safe thickness of the LUS. However, I thought that the thickness can be measured by U/S? Does the radiation from an MRI pose a threat to a developing fetus? I'm curious because I would love to discuss this with my OB at an upcoming visit.
He said he would do an u/s at 32 weeks to check the thickness of the LUS and if it wasn't thick enough he would then require an MRI to further investigate. He did say that an MRI was completely safe during pregnancy (which I was shocked at).
That's very interesting. I will definitely be bringing this up with the OB in two weeks, when I go in for an annual pap.
We plan on TTC in the winter, so this info should come in handy for us very soon! Thanks.
Thank you! He is more concerned about the window. He was hoping for a double layer but said a single would be fine (until he saw that I had a window). I've already done my research on a single vs. double was all ready to say that isn't really a basis to go off for allowing a TOL or not but he mentioned it first. Let's pray my lus is nice and thick!!!