A group of local women have a birthing circle that meets once a month to discuss topics about pregnancy and delivery. I have been really interested in going, but I work Wed nights and that's when the meetings are. Well, this month the topic is VBAC and c sections so I decided to switch my schedule to make it. Then they announced that the leader of our local ICAN will be the guest speaker. I am SO excited about it!
Even better, I get to meet a girl I am fb friends with who had a VBAC and is preparing for a HBAC. I am IRL friends with her sister and saw some comments she made on one of her sister's posts so I asked her "introduce" us. Another girl that I knew in college and am fb friends with but haven't seen in years who also had a VBAC may be there. I am excited to learn more but also be in the company of women who have actually had VBACs!
Re: excited for meeting tonight
That sounds like a meeting worth going to!
Please let us know how it goes, and if you learn anything interesting.